General Cost Center Planning SAP Best Practices
Purpose, Benefits, and Key Process Steps During the annual budgeting process, the managers of non-operational cost centers such as sales, marketing, administrative, research and development etc. plan the costs for various cost types/elements on their respective cost centers. Benefits Possibility to compare planned and actual costs, monitoring of costs on cost centers. Key Process Steps Check cost center masters Check version validity for current budget period Copy previous year’s actuals or budget as a basis for planning Transfer planned depreciation from assets Set planner profile Download cost elements to spreadsheet for income/expense budget Update budget values for income and expense excluding operations Upload cost elements for income and expense excluding operations Plan accrual costs, statistical key figures, assessments Confirm non-operating cost center budget Copy AOP version to actual version 0 and lock both versions for planning
Required SAP Applications and Company Roles Enhancement package 7 for SAP ERP 6.0 Company Roles Enterprise Controller Internal Controller Cost Center Manager
Detailed Process Description General Cost Center Planning After checking cost center master data and versions, you can copy the previous year’s actual expenses for the cost centers into an AOP (annual operative planning) budget version in cost center accounting. As an alternative the previous year’s budget data can also be used as a basis for planning. The planned fixed or variable depreciation per cost center is transferred to the AOP version separately. The data in this version is downloaded into spreadsheets by each cost element and cost center. The respective cost center managers review and update the budget values according to their requirements and plans. The revised figures are uploaded back into SAP. The cost center planning in SAP is reviewed and finalized (accrued costs, statistical key figures, assessments). The planned data of the AOP version is copied into active version 0. Planning is locked in both versions.
General Cost Center Planning Process Flow Diagram General Cost Center Planning Event Annual "General“ Operating Plan Enterprise Controller Check Version Validity for Current Budget Period Set Planner Profile Executing Plan Assessment: Overhead Cost Final Planning Steps: Operating Cost Center Budget (176) Send Excel to Cost Center Manager Option 1: Copying Previous Year Actuals Download Cost Elements to Excel for Income/Expense Budget Plan Accrual Costs Option 2: Copying Previous Year Budget Upload Cost Elements to Excel for Income/Expense Budget Final Planning Steps: Copying AOP to Active Version Confirming Non-Operating Cost Center Budget Transfer Planned Depreciation from Assets Plan Statistical Key Figures Final Planning Steps: Locking AOP and Active Version for Planning Internal Controller Top-Down Primary Cost Planning (optional) Basic Cost Element Planning (optional) Cost Center Responsible Update Budget Values for Income and Expense AOP= Operativer Jahresplan
Legend Symbol Description Usage Comments Symbol Description Band: Identifies a user role, such as Accounts Payable Clerk or Sales Representative. This band can also identify an organization unit or group, rather than a specific role. The other process flow symbols in this table go into these rows. You have as many rows as required to cover all of the roles in the scenario. Role band contains tasks common to that role. External Events: Contains events that start or end the scenario, or influence the course of events in the scenario. Flow line (solid): Line indicates the normal sequence of steps and direction of flow in the scenario. Flow line (dashed): Line indicates flow to infrequently-used or conditional tasks in a scenario. Line can also lead to documents involved in the process flow. Connects two tasks in a scenario process or a non-step event Business Activity / Event: Identifies an action that either leads into or out of the scenario, or an outside Process that happens during the scenario Does not correspond to a task step in the document Unit Process: Identifies a task that is covered in a step-by-step manner in the scenario Corresponds to a task step in the document Process Reference: If the scenario references another scenario in total, put the scenario number and name here. Sub-Process Reference: If the scenario references another scenario in part, put the scenario number, name, and the step numbers from that scenario here Process Decision: Identifies a decision / branching point, signifying a choice to be made by the end user. Lines represent different choices emerging from different parts of the diamond. Does not usually correspond to a task step in the document; Reflects a choice to be made after step execution Symbol Description Usage Comments To next / From last Diagram: Leads to the next / previous page of the Diagram Flow chart continues on the next / previous page Hardcopy / Document: Identifies a printed document, report, or form Does not correspond to a task step in a document; instead, it is used to reflect a document generated by a task step; this shape does not have any outgoing flow lines Financial Actuals: Indicates a financial posting document Budget Planning: Indicates a budget planning document Manual Process: Covers a task that is manually done Does not generally correspond to a task step in a document; instead, it is used to reflect a task that is manually performed, such as unloading a truck in the warehouse, which affects the process flow. Existing Version / Data: This block covers data that feeds in from an external process Does not generally correspond to a task step in a document; instead, this shape reflects data coming from an external source; this step does not have any incoming flow lines System Pass / Fail Decision: This block covers an automatic decision made by the software Does not generally correspond to a task step in the document; instead it is used to reflect an automatic decision by the system that is made after a step has been executed. Diagram Connection <Function> External to SAP Hardcopy / Document Financial Actuals Business Activity / Event Budget Planning Unit Process Manual Process Process Reference Sub-Process Reference Existing Version / Data Process Decision System Pass/Fail Decision