Zika and other mosquito borne diseases Quechan Environmental Protection Office
Vector Borne Diseases Transmitter of disease-causing organisms that carry a pathogen from one host to another
Different Types of Mosquitoes in our area Left: Aedes aegypti (Zika, Chikungunya, Dengue) Right: Aedes albopictus (Chikungunya, Dengue) Center: Culex spp. (West Nile Virus, St. Louis Encephalitis)
Mosquito Life Cycle
Aedes Species Active two hours after sunrise and just before sunset, but can bite during the night in well lighted areas. Travel distance up to 200m 4-5 days after blood meal, female lays eggs which will emerge from water to adult in just 7-9 days Diseases: Chikungunya, Dengue Fever, Zika
Culex Species Active at dawn and dusk, more active at night Distance traveled can be up to a mile Can emerge within 3 days of becoming nymph Diseases: West Nile Virus, St. Louis Encephalitis
Mosquito Borne Diseases Dengue- High fever, severe headache, joint and muscle pain, pain behind the eyes, rash Chikungunya- Fever, persistent joint pain for months or years Zika- most don’t have symptoms, rash, joint pain, conjuctivitis, fever, birth defects West Nile Virus- Fatigue, pain, tremors, disabling neurological disorders St. Louis Encephalitis (Detected Locally)- 5 to 15 days. Onset of illness is usually abrupt, with fever, headache, dizziness, nausea, and malaise. stiff neck, confusion, disorientation, dizziness, tremors and unsteadiness. Coma can develop in severe cases. The disease is generally milder in children than in older adults. The risk of fatal disease also increases with age.
Zika Virus Little is known about Zika Can cause birth defects like Microcephaly Can be transmitted sexually from males to females Not known to affect dogs and cats If you’ve traveled to Mexico or South America be cautious and get tested
Mosquito Ranges on Reservation
San Pasqual/New Subs
Integrated Pest Management Using a combination of practices to control or eliminate pests. Mechanical- Using tools to clear weeds Chemical- Using Pesticides Cultural- Using seasonal practices in farming for example Biological- Using another organism to control
Mosquito egg laying sites
Mores Prevention Tips 1. Eliminate standing water in and around your home: Once a week empty and scrub and turn over items that hold water like buckets, planters, flowerpots. Tightly cover water storage containers With containers without lids use wire mesh with holes smaller than adult mosquitoes 2. If you have a septic tank, follow these steps: Repair cracks or gaps Cover open vent or plumbing pipes. Use wire mesh with holes smaller than adult mosquito
Continued 3. Keep Mosquitoes out of your home: Use screens on windows and doors. Repair holes in screens Use air conditioner when available 4. Prevent Mosquito Bites: Use repellent’s like Off!, Sawyer, Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus, or alternatives like Repel that use oils Reapply every few hours Wear long sleeve shirts and long pants.
Mosquito Abatement David Moreno 928-920-2872 Gabriel Jim 928-920-4937 PLEASE GO INDOORS WHEN YOU SEE THE LIGHTS!!! EAST (Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays): Sunrise Point Park, Paradise Casino, Old Subs, Senior Housing, Community Center, San Pasqual School, New Subs, Picacho Rd, Miguel Rd, Jackson Rd. etc. WEST (Tuesdays, Thursdays): Araz Roads, Andrade Parking Lot, Sleepy Hollow, Vee’s Trailer Park, Quick Rd, Arnold Rd., Indian Rock Loop, McCoy’s,
Questions Chase Choate Environmental Director 928-503-3431 c.choate@quechantribe.com