Staff meeting: xxxx School NZC, effective pedagogy & teacher performance monitoring in eighty minutes..!! Margaret Harris School Curriculum facilitator April 2011 This is a ‘romp’ through! Have to decide as you work through how much knowledge teachers have / how in-depth the discussion is..
Outcomes A brief overview of performance management in schools Make links between School Charter (annual plan) NZC, RTC and teacher appraisal! (whew!) Have a go at goal setting using NZC and RTC Briefly explain main areas of focus..
Activity 1 With a partner - What do you think school performance management is? Brainstorm - all the things that come to mind when thinking of - across school performance management … In pairs t’s talk, list, share ideas, help each other….
COMPARE YOUR LISTS Professional development Staff retention Recruitment CEA’s Selection Attestation Remuneration Dismissal Competency Performance agreements & goal setting Disciplinary procedures Job descriptions Appointment processes Policies Registered teacher criteria Professional standards Employment Documentation APPRAISALS (& associated skills) NZEI Individual Employment contracts Provide time for teachers to see performance management includes all the above…helps them to see ‘big picture’. Often their lists from previous slide cover some of the ‘appraisal processes’. T’s often don’t see all the performance management ‘stuff’ together.
2011 ERO review question: How are you as a school enacting an effective curriculum for all children that helps them learn, engage, progress and achieve? Your question: How am I as a teacher enacting an effective curriculum for all children that helps them learn, engage, progress and achieve? Where’s my EVIDENCE? Recent presentation from ERO @ APPA breakfast mtg: Richard Thorton: ERO Nrthn Regional manager : shared the top question which will be ERO’s key question during 2011 reviews…I have added the second question, which bring the focus onto the teacher..
NZC p 37 refers to national, school and class curriculum… How am I as a teacher enacting an effective curriculum for all children that helps them learn, engage, progress and achieve? This takes more time than this workshop allows, but useful for t’s to come back too p 37 .. Suggest for a future staff mtg? Ask them to become familiar with p 37
Charter - strategic plans and curriculum annual plans How ??? Charter - strategic plans and curriculum annual plans Students at the centre Policies NZC T’s to see the connect between the school Charter, esp the annual plan which will have student achievement targets as goals. The parts highlight in blue are the significant messages in this workshop. Trying to build understanding that these are all connected, and stem from Charter…the question marks in the bubble / hope the t’s ask them selves ‘am I aware of the curriculum goals in the annual plan?’ ..etc Staff development & performance cycle RTC Prof stds
= Improving the quality of teaching & learning based on evidence = Improving the quality of teaching & learning based on evidence = teaching as inquiry NZC p35 Appraisal Professional Standards Attestation Accountability Development Objective(s) Teaching as Inquiry evidence (Green for growth) Registered Teacher Criteria Registration Certificate of practice Appraisal is about developing as a practitioner with the focus on tchg and lrng - growing t’s capacity to self reflect using tchg as inquiry to help focus on student progress and teaching strategies…go over this slide…talk about the links as indicated by arrows. Hopefully links to tchg as inquiry as clarified Essential PD as necessary Thanks Neil & Rio 8
Professional standards: you will be attested for salary purposes against the professional standards annually Professional knowledge Teaching techniques Classroom management Motivation of students Effective communication Support for & co-operation with colleagues Contribution to school activities Renewal of teaching certificate will be based on the Registered Teacher Criteria : 3 yearly Your job descriptions will relate to the key indicators of the registered teacher criteria - there will be development goals within the appraisal process, …..(based on school student achievement targets? NZC standards? Identified student needs?) Further explanation of links between prof.stds & RTC and performance development goals focused on target students.
CHARTER Appraisal Development Objective(s) Development Specific Named, identified students Appraisal Development Objective(s) Development Specific Target(s) Annual Action Plans CHARTER 3-5 Yr Strat Plan Focus on student achievement Neil’s visual helps t’s see how it connects… talk about the targets… how are these decided? Who is involved? Are these part of team conversations? And connect the targets to the appraisal development goals -green box General Cultural diversity, tikanga, te reo Vision, mission, values, special character Thanks Neil Mahoney F O U N D A T I O N
Goal setting Student outcomes should be the part of appraisal goal setting Use NZC Teaching as Inquiry Focusing inquiry Teaching inquiry Learning inquiry Is there something I need to change? What are the next steps for learning? (just because teachers have taught doesn’t mean students have learnt!) Focus on p 35 - When do we have these conversations? Eg at team mtgs? Evidence at appraisal mtgs? do teachers consistently / sometimes / occasionally use this model when reflecting on student outcomes? On their teaching effectiveness? On developing or selecting appropriate strategies?
Target Setting: school wide & class groups Teaching as Inquiry - developing goals What are your long-term goals for student achievement? What does your assessment data tell you now? Which students are you concerned about? How are your targets aligned to National Standards? What assessment tools will you use to measure and describe students’ current achievement and the improved position? Do you set specific targets for Maori and Pasifika students? Are you able to talk about the progress of your Maori and Pasifika learners? These are questions to surface a number of issues…. To be thought about - Not to be decided on or answered at this workshop - but to ensure links are made to student progress / are these questions part of your school’s appraisal process?
Targeted students Who are they? In your class? They will be a group identified in the school’s annual plan for student achievement improvement - based on data - what does the data tell us? What assessment tools are used (consistently!) to measure student’s current achievement? How is progress accurately measured? Meeting national standards? Below? At? Above? Outcomes of selected groups will be available e.g. Maori, Pasifika, G & T … Teacher talk at team mtgs and at your appraisal should focus on evidence of the progress of this group of students More questions
31 Targeted students Roll 270 AP DP Principal BOT Teachers 2 Team leaders Roll 270 Another of Neil’s visuals : (thanks) Focusing inquiry ….consider the identified kids at the top..can t’s see the connection between annual plan (targeted students) the principal’s appraisal and their appraisal? Talk through levels of impact AP DP Principal BOT Neil Mahoney 2009
NZC connections NZC is the statement of official policy relating to teaching and learning in English-medium schools. (Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, Maori medium schools) It sets the direction for student learning and provides guidance for schools as they design and review their curriculum. NZC p6 NZC pp34-36 is about providing guidance for teacher actions which promote student learning: Activity 2: are you familiar with the NZC 8 key approaches? What are they? Activity 2: a chance to quickly get an overview of how familiar t’s are with pp34 -36…maybe record responses on whiteboard…or not (have done this t’s couldn’t identifiy any of the effective practices, although once we started talking they realised they do use many strategies) creating a supportive learning environment 2. Encouraging reflective thought & action 3. Enhancing the relevance of new learning 4. Facilitating shared learning 5. Making connections to prior learning & experience 6Tchg as Inq 7. elrng
Making connections - between NZC & RTC RTC NZC - Activity 3: handout: RTC no 6 p 12 - Conceptualise, plan & implement an appropriate learning programme Consider this alongside effective teaching approaches from pp 34 - 36 Draft ideas for future goal setting T’s need to have done some work on pp 34 - 36 before this activity works…give out the handout and walk them through it… clarify requirements. Trying to make connections between a RTC and effective tchg approaches…
What contributes to effective appraisal? What skills are needed by appraisers? What are the challenges for school leaders to ensure appraisal consistency? Evidence must be part of the process…what evidence? Gathered by whom? Shared when? Can do this in pairs, groups, depends on size of group….
A possible performance management cycle Annual appraisal timetable Job descriptions (based on RTC) Measurable development goals set (as part of performance agreement based on RTC) Classroom visits /observations / evidence available Professional standard dimensions covered for attestation Student progress & evidence discussed / feedback Self assessment / reflection based on teaching as inquiry Appraisal report completed with future goals agreed and signed by both parties Principal completes attestation for salary purposes A possible performance management cycle goals may be school wide as well as individual … anything missing? Do the t’s understand the school’s cycle?