IEC 61850 for SUBSTATION AUTOMATION TOWARDS MULTI-VENDOR INTEROPERABility OVER The SYSTEMS LIFECYCLE The ENTSO-E Approach KUL – Power Symposium Leuven, Belgium, 22 March 2017 Grégory Huon, Elia
Some definitions Substation automation refers to using data from Intelligent electronic devices (IED), control and automation capabilities within the substation, and control commands from remote users to control power-system devices. IEC 61850 is a standard for vendor-agnostic engineering of the configuration of Intelligent Electronic Devices for electrical substation automation systems to be able to communicate with each other. IEC 61850 is a part of the International Electrotechnical Commission's (IEC) Technical Committee 57 (TC57)[1] reference architecture for electric power systems. The abstract data models defined in IEC 61850 can be mapped to a number of protocols. Current mappings in the standard are to MMS (Manufacturing Message Specification), GOOSE (Generic Object Oriented Substation Event), SMV (Sampled Measured Values),[clarification needed] and soon to Web Services. These protocols can run over TCP/IP networks or substation LANs using high speed switched Ethernet to obtain the necessary response times below four milliseconds for protective relaying.
About IEC
42 600 900 310 ENTSO-E at a glance TSOs from 35 countries million citizens served 600 GW generation managed 900 Thousand Km of transmission lines OBSERVER 310 Ten-Year Network Development Plans Adequacy forecasts R&D plans Tools for Market Integration Network Codes
ENTSO-E organizational structure / Standardisation (1/2) Research, Development & Innovation Committee (RDIC)
ENTSO-E organizational structure / Standardisation (2/2) Subdomains of TC57 Working Groups Power system IED communication and associated data models – IEC 61850 (Substation automation) IEC TC 57 - WG 10 Energy management system application program interface (EMS - API) - IEC CIM 61970 for grid exchanges IEC TC 57 - WG 13 System interfaces for distribution management (SIDM) – IEC CIM 61968 (TSO to DSO interfaces) IEC TC 57 - WG 14 Data and communication security IEC TC 57 - WG 15 Deregulated energy market communications - IEC CIM 62325 for market exchanges IEC TC 57 - WG 16 ENTSO-E since 2009 contributes in both CIM 61970 & 62325 series, for grid and market exchanges respectively.
The three components of IEC 61850 – Interoperability ambition Communication Semantic Data Models Engineering
Historic - IEC 61850 standard IEC 61850, the global standard for communication in substations, is bringing open, Interoperable, systems, and flexible architectures, to the substation automation domain. However, the IEC 61850 is broad and currently not specific enough to bring interoperable benefits to TSOs. The AhG 61850 shall develop an ENTSO-E USER PROFILE under IEC 61850: Based on a super set of TSO requirements Proven to enhance interoperability and reduce implementation costs Today’s power utilities operate more globally and require flexible, future-proof systems to cope with changing requirements, philosophies, and technologies. Interoperability Flexibility
Historic - April 2012: ENTSO-E statement on IEC 61850 standard Observations: Multi-vendor systems very scarce 10 years after 1st standard publication Implementation complexity Recommendations: Improve interoperability, over life cycle of the systems of Assets Mask complexity by ergonomic tools Stakeholders: standardization bodies : IEC, … ; Suppliers ; Conformance testing companies: UCA Iug, … ; Users (associations): ENTSO-E, …
ENTSO-E work structure around IEC 61850 ISTool Engineering Process NWIPs On going Done
ENTSO-E Work plan
Improvement @ information level / ISTool
Objectives of the Interoperability Specification Tool Tool for DSAS(*) (sub)functions and signals collection @ ENTSO-E level = profile builder (it is not a specification/configuration tool) Future proof (e.g. integration of settings parameter, CIM, interfaces with system specification and configuration tools, …) Basis for gap analysis between IEC 61850 and user requirements Facilitator between IEC 61850 complex world (through IEC 61850 UML model) and utility world, finally enabling multi-vendor interoperability over system life cycle in an efficient and sustainable way (*) Digital Substation Automation Systems
ENTSO-E profile: a superset of requirements “Super” common denominator (used by all ENTSO-E members) + “Sub” Common denominator (used by some ENTSO-E members) + TSO specific (used by only 1 TSO) Pronostic (to be confirmed) (Sub-)functions Signals
ENTSO-E ISTool - Homepage
Pilot project on distance protection Countries taking part in Pilot project on distance protection Remaining countries
ENTSO-E profile – TSO methods to provide inputs Several methods: Conventional schemes decomposition Start from existing IEC 61850 modelling From scratch Illustration Elia approach – Conventional schemes decomposition
Pilot project on distance protection Basis: subset of distance protection subfunctions 2 types of GAP were identified: No IEC 61850 LN in the model Not enough granularity in the model 20
Improvement @ engineering level ENTSO-E issued recently new requirements to further enhance the engineering using IEC 61850 Input & data flow modeling Introduction of virtual IED for vendor independent design (transparent purchasing process) Include key primary system data for efficient system engineering Include telecommunication network description
ENTSO-E issued a Document for Comment (DC) to IEC Existing TF SCL/Functional modeling 1 Input & data flow modeling Virtual IED & comparison mechanisms Virtual IED (ISD) Capability description extension to enhance purchasing process System engineering efficiency Communication network description 2 New TF to be created 3 TF 90-4 (to restart)
ENTSO-E issued a Document for Comment (DC) to IEC
Possible ENTSO-E engineering process Profile builder Template or Project specification/configuration IST SST(*) Bay Template Substation Specification Function with Subfct Grouped in templates (Optional) Virtual IED (Optional) (*) SST of the future, with ENTSO-E requirements supported
Semantic Data Models / ENTSO-E profile Planning ISTool ready for pre-population 6.2017 Start roll-out through ENTSO-E members ENTSO-E profile Consolidated Gap analysis Semantic Data Models / ENTSO-E profile 2017 2018 2019 2020 … Market Tools for specification/configuration … Engineering Process Virtual IED Input & data flow modelling Start work @ IEC TC 57 WG10 10.24.2016 System Engineering Efficiency Communication Network Description
Conclusions Efforts in standardization is an effort on the long term, with potential huge benefits for ENTSO-E members and the community … interoperability over the systems lifecycle is key for the asset managers Efforts to develop an ENTSO-E PROFILE are ambitious but key for the market Coordination at ENTSO-E level ensures a strong user position within standardization bodies TSOs need to PARTICIPATE in order to BENEFIT