Yoel Kortick Senior Librarian Overlap Analysis Yoel Kortick Senior Librarian
Agenda Introduction The specific situation in our library Performing the Overlap Analysis using sets The results The results with date coverage parameter Overlap analysis for selected titles Overlap analysis for selected titles using the CZ
This is done by identifying “subscription overlap”. Overlap Analysis Alma provides the capability to perform overlap analysis for electronic resources. This is useful because it can significantly aid in the decision-making process of which electronic collections should be ordered or cancelled. This is done by identifying “subscription overlap”. If two collections have much of the same content then perhaps one of them can be cancelled.
This means the library can save money and resources Overlap Analysis In other words: If one collection is largely included in one or more other different collections then perhaps it can be cancelled / not renewed. This means the library can save money and resources http://www.lumacomfort.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Saving-Money.jpg
Agenda Introduction The specific situation in our library Performing the Overlap Analysis using sets The results The results with date coverage parameter Overlap analysis for selected titles Overlap analysis for selected titles using the CZ
The specific situation in our library Why are we doing this specific comparison? The acquisitions and resource management departments are wondering if the library really needs (and continue to pay for) the electronic collection “EBSCOhost Business Source Premier” It appears as though most of the portfolios in this electronic collection are also in the following three collections which the library also has: Gale Cengage Business Collection Gale Cengage General OneFile Gale Cengage General Reference Center Gold
The specific situation in our library In order to verify their suspicions, the acquisitions department will perform an overlap analysis The library will compare two groups of collections and see if there is significant overlap If so, then something may be cancelled, and a lot of money saved
The specific situation in our library This in this example we will compare the contents of “EBSCOhost Business Source Premier” against the contents of the following three collections: Gale Cengage Business Collection Gale Cengage General OneFile Gale Cengage General Reference Center Gold
Agenda Introduction The specific situation in our library Performing the Overlap Analysis using sets The results The results with date coverage parameter Overlap analysis for selected titles Overlap analysis for selected titles using the CZ
Performing the Overlap Analysis The overlap analysis is accessed from the “Advanced Tools” sub-section of the Resource Management menu. Note that it will be accessible only to users with one of the following roles: Purchasing Operator Purchasing Manager Repository Manager Electronic Inventory Operator
Performing the Overlap Analysis In our situation we will choose to compare sets Them we will begin to define the “Source Set” and “Target Set”
Performing the Overlap Analysis The Source Set will be EBSCOhost Business Source Premier The Target Set will be Gale Cengage Business Collection Gale Cengage General OneFile Gale Cengage General Reference Center Gold
Performing the Overlap Analysis After clicking “Definition of Source Target” we search for our desired collection and then click “Add Selected” and “Done”.
Performing the Overlap Analysis Now we will choose the Target Set
Performing the Overlap Analysis Search for each collection Select it and click “Add Selected”
Performing the Overlap Analysis Click “Done”
Performing the Overlap Analysis Now we have our sets to compare and click “Next”
Performing the Overlap Analysis We then fill in various self-explanatory parameters and submit the job. Note that The analysis may also include a comparison of date coverage and Various match methods also exists, we will chose “ISSN Match Method” This time we will not include “date coverage”. Later we will.
Agenda Introduction The specific situation in our library Performing the Overlap Analysis using sets The results with no date coverage The results with date coverage parameter Overlap analysis for selected titles Overlap analysis for selected titles using the CZ
The results From the “View” link of the job we can view the results
The results Title Overlap Report – This report contains matching titles with mutually exclusive coverage dates. Unique Titles Report – This report contains titles that are unique to the source set you created for the comparison. We can see here that there are 711 overlapping titles between the first set and the second set. This means the library is paying for the same title twice.
The results For example … the title “E media professional” appears in file “Set Comparison - Title Overlap“
The results If we search Alma for this Portfolio we see that this same title exists in multiple collections, including those in our source and target sets of the ‘Overlap Analysis” Target Set Target Set Source Set
The results On the other hand the “Car Leasing Industry Profile: United Kingdom” appears in file “Set Comparison – Unique Titles”
The results If we search Alma for this Portfolio we see that it exists in only one collection (it is unique)
Agenda Introduction The specific situation in our library Performing the Overlap Analysis using sets The results with no date coverage The results with date coverage parameter Overlap analysis for selected titles Overlap analysis for selected titles using the CZ
The results with date coverage parameter Now we run the job with the same sets and this time choose “Use date coverage” for current year “embargo”
The results with date coverage parameter Now we have four output files: Included only in report with date coverage Were included also in report with no date coverage Complete Overlap Report – This report contains matching titles with identical coverage dates. Partial Overlap Report – This report contains matching titles with partially overlapping coverage dates.
The results with date coverage parameter If we look for example at file “Set Comparison – Complete Overlap report” we see that both the title and coverage overlap are the same in multiple collections. Let’s look at, for example, “Chief Marketer”
The results with date coverage parameter According to the Excel the coverage for the source target is 2010-2012 The target has the following cover ages: 2010-2012 2012-2013 So … everything in the source is also in the target
The results with date coverage parameter This same title exists in multiple collections with same exact coverage Was in target set Was in source set
The results with date coverage parameter If we look for example at file “Set Comparison – Partial Overlap report” we see that the titles overlap but not the coverage For example: “Computer Weekly”
The results with date coverage parameter We see that the title has an overlap, but the coverage has a partial overlap The title in the source has coverage for 2002. The title for the target has 1990-2012 Was in target set Was in source set
Agenda Introduction The specific situation in our library Performing the Overlap Analysis using sets The results with no date coverage The results with date coverage parameter Overlap analysis for selected titles Overlap analysis for selected titles using the CZ
Overlap analysis for selected titles To perform overlap analysis for selected titles we will choose “Selected Titles” instead of “Set Comparison” This option allows the comparison of a list of titles with the electronic inventory of the library (collections and standalone portfolios). Reports describing the overlap status of each title in the input file are given.
Overlap analysis for selected titles In the next screen the user is prompted to upload a file From here an Excel file should be uploaded The column heading in the Excel can contain one of the following four options and it identifies the contents in the column to compare: ISBN ISSN LCCN TITLE
Overlap analysis for selected titles The Excel file is a single-column file. Here is the one we will use.
Overlap analysis for selected titles We load the file when prompted by the job Then we submit the job
Overlap analysis for selected titles The following three reports get produced
Overlap analysis for selected titles Explanation of the three reports created via “Overlap analysis for selected titles” Selected Titles - Title Overlap = record is in the loaded Excel file and in the institution repository. It exists in the repository in more than one collection. Selected Titles – Not in Db = record is in the loaded Excel file and is not in the institution repository Selected Titles – Unique titles = record is in the loaded Excel file and in the institution repository. It exists in the repository in one collection.
Overlap analysis for selected titles Example of record in Selected Titles - Title Overlap = record is in the loaded Excel file and in the institution repository. It exists in the repository in more than one collection.
Overlap analysis for selected titles Example of record in Selected Titles – Not in Db = record is in the loaded Excel file and is not in the institution repository
Overlap analysis for selected titles Example of record in Selected Titles – Unique titles = record is in the loaded Excel file and in the institution repository. It exists in the repository in one collection.
Agenda Introduction The specific situation in our library Performing the Overlap Analysis using sets The results with no date coverage The results with date coverage parameter Overlap analysis for selected titles Overlap analysis for selected titles using the CZ
Overlap analysis for selected titles using the CZ As of Nov. 2016 a new option is being added for the Overlap analysis for selected titles It will be possible to choose “Do not include titles from the community” (as was formerly always the case) “Include titles from the Community that are not in the Institution” “Include all titles from the Community Below the user runs the Overlap analysis for the selected titles and chooses the option “Include titles from the Community that are not in the Institution”