Composites Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM) Sustaining the Force Greg Kilchenstein Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Maintenance Policy and Programs 22 August 2017
Department of Defense (DoD) Logistics The DoD executes the largest logistics enterprise in the world DoD Logistics includes supply, maintenance, and transportation with a global reach across the spectrum of operations Sustains in excess of $500B in materiel assets Annual Operating & Maintenance costs $200B DoD Materiel Sustainment (Mx, Supply, & Transportation) cost $144B 100,000 suppliers $95B inventory Provides a real war fighting advantage Distributed and adaptive to military operational requirements Collaboration helps align expertise and capacity, but opportunities exist for further improvements and cost reductions
DoD Maintenance Systems Supported Maintenance Cost: Maintained by: $71.5 billion 13% of DoD Budget 797 strategic missiles + 383,452 tactical vehicles + Communications/electronics equipment + Support equipment + Other systems 232 ships 37,867 combat vehicles 13,957 aircraft Maintained by: 617,000 DoD personnel Private-sector companies Locations Central/ South America <1K Alaska 7K “Lower 48” (Non-Fleet) 466K Puerto Rico Virgin Islands 3K Atlantic Fleet 40K Hawaii 19K Guam 2K UK 3K Italy/Spain3K Germany 7K Other Europe <1K Japan 20K Korea 7K Other Asia <1K Middle East Africa 1K Pacific Fleet 37K
+ Current DoD Environment AT&L R&E A&S New Leadership: Secretary of Defense: The Honorable James Mattis (Lethality & Readiness) Deputy Secretary of Defense: The Honorable Patrick Shanahan (Boeing & Supply Chain Logistics) Acquisition, Technology, & Logistics (AT&L): The Honorable Ellen Lord (Textron & Innovation) Office of Secretary of Defense (OSD) Maintenance Policy & Programs (MPP): Mr. Ken Watson (U.S. TRANSCOM) AT&L Reorganization (Feb 2018) + AT&L R&E A&S
Composite Material Markets $8.0 Billion Dollars shipped in 2016 Since 1960, Composite Market has grown 25 times Aluminum = 3 times Steel = 1.5 times US Composite Material Market: Aerospace & Defense:
Cost per Day of Availability Composite Trends Technology Driven Increased Automation NDI Capabilities Required Increased Requirement for Training and Qualification We need to find ways to be more efficient! New Metric Cost per Day of Availability
DoD Composite-Related Maintenance Costs by System Type
TIM Chartered Working Groups MAINTENANCE-SUPPLY INTEGRATION Increase awareness of composite material requirements and correct known material issues specifically with the Defense Logistics Agency. Point-of-Contact: Ken Patterson, BODY OF KNOWLEDGE / BEST PRACTICES Determine the feasibility of sharing common composite repair knowledge across the community, possibly with a website. Point-of-Contact: David Motley, DESIGN FOR SUPPORTABILITY Create a document that can be provided to programs detailing the supportability products required for repair programs and stress the importance of developing those products early in the acquisition process. Point-of-Contact: David Stone,
Joint Technology Exchange Group (JTEG) Improve coordination in the introduction of new or improved technology, new processes, or new equipment into DoD Depot Maintenance Activities Provide a forum for the exchange of information on new technology, processes, and equipment developments Visit the website for more information: UPCOMING FORUMS: 08/29/2017 Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI) 09/26/2017 Laser De-Paint / Automated Painting & De-painting 01/30/2018 Ergonomics & Human Augmentation Systems 02/27/2018 Model-Based Enterprise
Commercial Technology for Maintenance Activities (CTMA) Provides a means of sharing technical expertise, ideas, and information in a protected intellectual property environment, with non-government partners retaining IP rights. Enables partners to provide and share personnel, services, facilities, equipment, and other resources in conducting R&D, reducing costs, optimizing resources. Point-of-Contact: Debra Lilu,, or
Maintenance Innovation Challenge (MIC) 2017 MIC Facts 2017 DoD Maintenance Symposium 4-7 December 2017 Salt Lake City, Utah Deadline: 15 September 2017 Submission Site: 2016 MIC Winner Large Scale Large Area Thermographic (LASLAT) Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI) of Composite Structures Reduced cost Improved inspection capability Configured specifically for maintenance
Continuing Challenges Leveraging AM for composite repair Coating Removal – Automated Lasers Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI) New Capabilities – Thermal Wave Imaging New and Old Composite Materials Obsolescence an issue? Budgetary Challenges Operational Challenges
Why We Need a Sustainment Technology Program (STP) Current Future Sustainment costs are nearly 30% of DoD budget Approx. 3% of RDT&E budget spent on sustainment No existing DoD level sustainment technology program Existing pace of sustainment technology adoption is inadequate Expands investment on game-changing technologies that deliver increased readiness per unit cost Rapidly fields promising technology w/ high ROIs Aligns leadership & functional areas into a collaborative engagement amongst key stakeholders Multiplier of Service sustainment technology funds Drives collaboration at enterprise level DoD must dramatically increase engagement and expand investment in sustainment technology We need to fundamentally change the ratio of readiness to cost
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