Popcorn Lab Purpose: To further understand (more independently) how to solve scientific problems through the use of a problem solving strategy (Sci. Method)
NOW, Let’s do an experiment introducing another variable! Popcorn Lab Have you ever wondered why the delicious popcorn you eat “POPS”? How does that salty goodness go from a small kernel to popped perfection? With a little research/background knowledge, be the scientist you are and find out! Other thoughts to consider… Why might some kernels NOT pop? How does microwave popcorn get it’s flavor? NOW, Let’s do an experiment introducing another variable!
Step 1: Ask a Question/Problem Imagine your craving for popcorn and all you have are the following: 3 different types of oil, popcorn kernels, and a metal pot. The sooner it pops, the better! So… Does the type of oil affect how quickly the kernel pops?
Step 2: Research/Gather background knowledge Resources: Discoveries: Use friends Use internet (valid site) Use Fusion book pg. 8 Water inside the shell boils and causes steam which “pops” the shell open Increase in temp. causes it to pop Needs moisture to pop/Inc. in pressure 212F is temp. at which water boils Canola oil may be the slowest
Step 3: Write a hypothesis Key elements: Identify the variables IV comes 1st (what I will change) DV comes 2nd (data that will be collected/result) If….., then……, because…. Testable Independent Variables: different brands of oil Dependent Variables: the time it takes for it to POP Controlled Variables: temperature, amount of oil, brand of popcorn, how close the test tube is to the heat source (1 cm)
Plan the experiment Materials list Procedures 3 same brand popcorn kernels Candle/match 3 oils (Vegetable, Canola, Popcorn) 1 Test tube 1 Stopwatch
Step 4: Do the Experiment and record the data Type of oil Time to pop (in seconds) canola vegetable popcorn Qualitative Observations: (Use your 5 senses)
Step 5: Analyze the data and draw a conclusion Summarize the data (qualitative and quantitative) Report your findings accurately Make an inference/s based on the data Graph the data to make it easier to interpret (see next slide for details)
Construct a Graph Which type is best for the data? Line, bar, or circle graph On which axis do the IV and DV belong? What will you title the graph? How should each axis be labeled? After examining the data, what interval will you count by along the axis?
Step 6: Conclusion Sentence 1: Restate the investigation question and your hypothesis Sentence 2: Was your hypothesis correct or incorrect? Why? (use data!) Sentence 3: What are some further ideas (regarding the topic) that could be investigated? Sentence 4: Are there any suggestions for changes in the procedures or materials? If not, what advice might you give another scientist who will conduct the experiment as you did? Sentence 5: What did you learn overall?