Chapter 8&9: The First Six Trumpets Revelation Chapter 8&9: The First Six Trumpets
Summary Ezekiel 9 An image of the church References to the tabernacle Judgment on the wicked Righteous sealed Protected from judgment, not suffering An image of the church Holy Diverse Innumerable References to the tabernacle
Chapter 8&9 Overview The altar (8:1-5) Prayers of the saints The first four trumpets (8:6-13) A call to repentance Partial judgment The fifth trumpet (9:1-12) The locusts The sixth trumpet (9:13-21) The army
The Angels and the Altar (8:1-5) The seventh seal opened By the Lamb A silence Half an hour = delay Ref. John 12:23, 1 John 2:18, etc. Seven angels with trumpets To call attention (Numbers 10:2) The altar and incense (tabernacle) Offer prayers of the saints (Ps. 141:2) Thrown to the earth
The First Trumpet (8:6-7) More apocalyptic symbols Partial judgment Hail Fire Blood Partial judgment The land is attacked “One-third” of the land Similar to plagues of Egypt Ex. 9:24 (seventh plague)
The Second Trumpet (8:8-9) Different apocalyptic symbols Burning mountains (Jer. 51:25) Mountains thrown into the sea Sea of blood More partial judgment “One-third” of the sea, animals, ships Ships = economic? More Egypt similarities First plague (Ex. 7:17-18)
The Third Trumpet (8:10-11) The great (fallen) star can refer to… Individuals (Isa. 14:12) People of God (Dan. 8:10) Divine power (Rev. 6:13, Matt. 24:29) Wormwood Bitter water (Jer. 23:15) “One-third” of the rivers “One-third” of the waters Again, similar to Egyptian plagues
The Fourth Trumpet (8:12-13) Heavenly bodies afflicted Sun Moon Stars Ref. Joel 2:10 Partial darkness Only a third of the sun, etc. Ninth plague (Ex. 10:21) “Woe to them on the earth”
The Fifth Trumpet (9:1-12) Another fallen star Darkness and locusts Given keys = authority Probably Satan (Ref. 9:12) The abyss Darkness and locusts Eighth plague (Ex. 10:4) Five months The locusts attack men, not crops Only those “not sealed” (Eze. 9)
The Sixth Trumpet (9:13-21) A Voice from the altar The great army Where the prayers went up Commanding angels The great army Across the Euphrates Assyrians, Babylonians See Isa. 8:7,8 Still, only a third killed However… the living did not repent
Summary The altar The first four trumpets The fifth and sixth trumpets God hears the prayers of His saints He will respond in kind The first four trumpets A judgment upon the land A call for repentance The fifth and sixth trumpets Judgment upon the people Still, they did not repent!