Modeling and multiple representation systems in the design of a computer environment for the learning of programming and C by beginners Maria Kordaki Dept of Computer Engineering and Informatics Patras University, 26500, Rion Patras, Greece e-mail:
The outline L.E.C.G.O: ‘Learning Environment for programming and C using Geometrical Objects” 1. Introduction 2. The rationale 3. Architecture and features 4. Multiple representation systems used 5. Discussion and future plans
1. Introduction (1 of 6) Programming is viewed as a ‘mental tool’ of general interest, a complex task including understanding, method finding and coding (Satratzemi, Dagdilelis & Evaggelidis, 2002; Brooks, 1999).
1. Introduction (2 of 6) Programming can be divided into four basic steps: a) comprehension of the problem at hand b) definition of a solution to that problem, initially in any form c) translation of that form into a selected programming language and d) testing and debugging of the resulting program Good performance in programming implies the ability of learners to use various and new representation systems to express their problem solving strategies (Winslow, 1996; Komis, 2001; Brooks, 1999)
1. Introduction (3 of 6) Students and programming: are rarely aware of the problems that can be solved by a computer and the benefits to be had from using programming encounter serious difficulties (Putnam, Sleeman, Baxter. & Kuspa, 1989; Kurland & Pea, 1989; Lemone & Ching, 1996; Christiaen, 1998; Perkins, Hancock, Hobbs, Martin & Simmons, 1989).
1. Introduction (4 of 6) Programming is supported by professional integrated software environments; these seemed as useless for novices student’s frustration with programming often depends on the programming environment in use (Freund, & Roberts, 1996)
1. Introduction (5 of 6) Well-known environments for the learning of programming in computer language C: THETIS (Freund, & Roberts, 1996) BACCII (Calloni, B. & Bagert, 1994; 1997) and ‘Karel the Robot’ (Pattis, Roberts & Stehlic, 1995).
1. Introduction (6 of 6) Existing studies indicate that there is a need for a novice-oriented programming environment to: support the algorithmic solution encourage solutions in MRS provide usable coding tools support problem solving settings visualize the program and its output, and provide meaningful feedback (Freund, & Roberts, 1996; Sangwan, Korsh & LaFollete, 1998; DiGiano, Kahn, Cypher, & Smith, 2001; Brusilovski, Calabrese, Hvorecky, Kouchirenko, & Miller, 1997).
2. L.E.C.G.O: The rationale (1 of 5) L.E.C.G.O. is an open problem-solving computer learning environment that was designed to support secondary level education students and 1st year University students in their learning of programming and C. The design of L.E.C.G.O. was the result of a synthesis of three models: a) the learning model b) the subject matter model, and c) the learner model
2. L.E.C.G.O: The rationale (2 of 5) The subject matter model Teaching of programming and C in the context of modern theories of learning put the emphasis on: fundamental concepts the basic algorithmic structures and not the syntactical rules of the language.
2. L.E.C.G.O: The rationale: the subject matter model (3 of 5)
Theoretical considerations 2. L.E.C.G.O: The rationale - the learning model (4 of 5) Theoretical considerations Design principles The active role of the learner Interactivity Providing various appropriate tools The subjective character of knowledge Providing tools for: Constructing MR of learner solution strategies to various problems Inter-operation Helping students to construct and study their own computational objects related to the tasks or the concepts to be learned Supporting students in overcoming their difficulties related to the subject matter The constructive character of knowledge Supporting a variety of problem-solving activities Providing intrinsic visual feedback on learner actions, for self assessment Supporting authentic learning activities in a familiar and meaningful context Supporting hands-on experience in manipulating primary sources of data related to the problems to be solved
2. L.E.C.G.O: The rationale – the learner model (5 of 5) Students often: do not know how a computer works tend to omit the “algorithmic solution” and immediately confront the problem cannot easily identify primitive constructs and entities in their initial solution; nor can they express them with computer-based structures. have semantic and syntactic misconceptions find it difficult to comprehend and use the online help There is a big gap between the informal solutions they give and the more formal computer-oriented solution that is required (Kessler, & Anderson, 1989; Putnam, Sleeman, Baxter. & Kuspa, 1989; Lemone & Ching, 1996; Allwood, 1986; Du Boulay, 1986; Christiaen, 1998; Samurcay, 1989; Komis, 2001).
3. Architecture and features of L.E.C.G.O. (1 of 8) The general architecture of L.E.C.G.O. is divided into two main parts: a) that presenting the appropriate content for learning fundamentals in programming and C, and b) that dedicated to the learning activities that have to be performed by students.
3. Architecture and features of L.E.C.G.O. (2 of 8) The learning content was: designed taking into account modern social and constructivist theories of learning organized using as a basic structural unit the learning activity formed in a hierarchical order of five layers All layers are hyperlinked. All examples and topics can also be accessed through a specially-designed index.
Diagrammatic representation of the general architecture of L. E. C. G Diagrammatic representation of the general architecture of L.E.C.G.O (3/8)
3. Architecture and features of L.E.C.G.O. (4 of 8) In the learning activity space included tools for algorithmic solutions of problems in the following MRS: i) graphical RS ii) text-based RS iii) imperative RS iv) pseudo-code RS v) C language-based RS and vi) the graphic output of the written programs.
The general interface of Cabri-Geometry II (5 of 8) Construct 3 circles with common center and different radius
The general interface of activity space within L.E.C.G.O (6/ 8)
3. Architecture and features of L.E.C.G.O. (7 of 8) Learning activities: fundamental, authentic, meaningful, real life problems from the domain of drawing, using simple geometrical objects Drawing activities using simple geometrical objects can: motivate learners give students the chance to learn about the graphic functions in C not acquire extra cognitive load be open enough to allow students’ expression of inter- and intra-individual differences. (Jonassen, 1991; Calloni & Bagert, 1994; Nardi 1996; Kordaki, 2006)
3. Architecture and features of L.E.C.G.O. (8 of 8) Assistance is provided in four modes: i) as ready specific expressions ii) as ready structures and functions in pseudo-code iii) as ready structures and functions in C iv) as appropriately designed content L.E.C.G.O. could be easily modified for the learning of any programming language.
4. The pilot evaluation of L.E.C.G.O. The context of the pilot study: Qualitative study (Cohen & Manion, 1989) 9 students, 18 year-old, 2hours/task 3 learning settings: a) paper - pencil b) Turbo C c) L.E.C.G.O. 4 learning tasks/setting Data: students’ programs and writings in all RS, the researcher’s notes
4. The pilot evaluation of L.E.C.G.O. The tasks asked students to: Write a program that, when executed, will display on your computer screen: a drawing you can hang on the wall of your room. Use geometrical shapes of your own choice (Task 1) a train with as many carriages as you like (Task 2) a grid with its diagonal cells painted black (Task 3) a shape of your choice moving on your computer screen and leaving a specific trail behind it. Create a program that will enable this trail to be customized (Task 4)
4. The pilot evaluation of L.E.C.G.O. The data analysis revealed that students: visited all the kinds of examples and animations integrated into the content of L.E.C.G.O. in order to attempt the set tasks successfully who successfully manage the given tasks used all RS provided attracted by the drawing environment and the activities provided used their hands on experience as a reference to progress in more sophisticated RS used the ready expressions in imperative when they faced difficulties not presented syntactical problems in C as they used the authoring tools provided used the visual output of their written programs to detect their correctness
4. The pilot evaluation of L.E.C.G.O. All students usually visited the proposed complex (1st layer) and simple examples (2nd layer) when they faced difficulties Fewer students visited : basic concepts of programming in general and in C (3rd and 4th layers) none of the students visited the various locations on the WWW (5th layer)
4. The pilot evaluation of L.E.C.G.O. Learning setting Number of students who successfully managed the set tasks 1st task 2nd task 3rd task 4th task P & P 1 2 Turbo C 5 4 L.E.C.G.O. 8 6 3
5. Discussion & Conclusions (1 of 3) L.E.C.G.O. is an open problem-solving computer learning environment that was designed taking into account constructivist and social views of learning to support secondary level education students and 1st year University students in their learning of programming and C that allows them to: a) use hands-on experience b) express their solution strategies in MRS c) solve a variety of familiar and meaningful problems d) construct algorithmic solutions and also to overcome the cognitive load of the syntactical rules of programming in C e) receive appropriate feedback f) deal with graded difficulty learning activities g) receive assistance with their problem-solving strategies.
5. Discussion & Conclusions (2 of 3) Two categories of RS; those that ask students to express their own thinking and those that act as supporting elements for this expression. In fact, students can express themselves by: a) using hands-on experience, b) forming their text-based solutions using natural language c) transforming their solutions into the imperative Students can also be helped to express their knowledge by: a) selecting among given specific text-expressions in the imperative b) using given descriptions of basic algorithmic structures and of graphic functions in both; pseudo-code and the programming language C. All these RS, with the exception of the last, are designed to act as ‘transitional’ RS to fill the gap between students’ concrete graphic solutions and the symbolic ones written in C.
6. Future work (3 of 3) As the data emerging from the said pilot evaluation study are very promising: the content of L.E.C.G.O. can be enriched with more examples L.E.C.G.O. could be enhanced with a system providing appropriate feedback on student solutions to the given problems in the form of correct interpretation of these solutions, in all the MRS provided.
Thanks for your attention! Maria Kordaki E-LEARN 2007 Quebec, Canada 15-19/10/2007
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