Pediatric Behavioral Health Home: Building Family Success Through Comprehensive Health Promotion
“Hayley’s” Success 13 year old Caucasian female with asthma, overweight, depression and history of suicidal attempts. Both parents overweight and one sibling. Wellness Goals- Improved management of asthma, eat a more balanced diet, decrease BMI measures, improved understanding of body image.
“Hayley’s” Success Cont… Interventions- Nutritional/physical education for youth AND family, SMART goals, body image lessons, family-based supports, motivational interviewing, linkage to sustainable community resources.
“Hayley’s” Success Cont… Outcomes- Family as a whole lost over 100lbs, Hayley lost over 20lbs alone in 6 months. Improved asthma management, family joined and frequent local YMCA. HCP’s have been happy with weight loss.
“Sarah’s” Success 12 year old Asian female with ASD, ADHD, Dysmenorrhea, PICA, Seizure Disorder and overweight Wellness Goals- Improve diet, keep track of menstrual cycles, improve management of seizure disorder.
“Sarah’s” Success Cont… Interventions- Parenting education (meal planning, seizure management); care coordination (dietician, endocrinology); following through with HCP recommendations.
“Sarah’s” Success Cont… Outcomes- increased fruit/vegetable intake, improved management of seizures, effective redirecting, decreased BMI, spotted correlation between seizures and menstrual cycle.
“Maria’s” Success 15 year old Hispanic female, in out of home placement with Major Depressive Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Eating Disorder, Type 1 Diabetes (insulin dependent). Wellness Goals- Balanced diet, proper transition back to running (former athlete), improved management of Diabetes, self affirmation.
“Maria’s” Success Cont… Interventions- Education (diet, glycemic index, physical activity, diabetes overview with OOH treatment staff), Action-based interventions (increasing fruit/vegetable intake, walking regularly, self-affirmations).
“Mariah’s” Success Cont… Outcomes- Increased fruit/vegetable intake, managing glucose levels and carbohydrate intake efficiently, walking regularly/ jogging weekly, Endocrinologist is happy with BGL’s. Maria is now allowed to use insulin pump as per HCPs.
“Kerry’s” Success 17 year old Caucasian female with Substance Use Disorder (cannabis, prescription, alcohol, etc.), who is home from residential treatment, has been out of school for months. Wellness Goals- Reduction of harmful behaviors through management of substance use, improved diet, maintain physical fitness, complete primary education, develop independent living skills, employment. While with CMO (in the beginning), this youth was found sleeping in a roadway intoxicated. She had done this previously however was in locations such as bushes, and other outdoor locations. Towards the end of youth’s time with CMO, she was kicked out of her home at 18 years old and managed to stay at people’s houses until she moved down to Florida to live with her father after she completed her GED.
“Kerry’s” Success Cont… Interventions- Education (substance use, diet, physical activity), Action-based goals (eating healthier foods, cooking classes, physical exercise plans, follow through with education plan, applying for jobs, creating a savings account).
“Kerry’s” Success Cont… Outcomes- Obtained her High School Equivalency, Significantly reduced risky behaviors, attends AA meetings regularly, working, began saving her money.
Health Education/Resources
Overall Program Results
Overall Program Results