Project Hope We are Project Hope! A bold move by Tri-State area residents. Cooperation and unity will be the name of the game and serve as a bridge from despair, pain, and suffering to HOPE. We are Project Hope!
This is a resource presentation of various community organizations Allegany County Detention Center
Allegany County Detention Center:. 14300 McMullen Hwy Allegany County Detention Center: 14300 McMullen Hwy Cumberland, MD 21502 301-729-8540 administration/detention-center
ACDC Facility Information: Opening Date: ACDC Facility Information: Opening Date: April 2002 Total Inmate Capacity: 234 beds Male Inmate Capacity: 132 beds Female Inmate Capacity: 30 beds Work Release/Inmate Worker Capacity: 48 beds Special Needs: 24 beds Other Areas include: Non-contact Visiting Area and waiting room, Intake/Release Area, property room, Programs Area, Medical Unit, Library, Gymnasium, Records Room, Control Center, Kitchen, Laundry, Maintenance Area, and 7 Housing Units. Staff Services include: Male and Female Staff Locker Rooms, Staff Exercise Room, Officer Training and Dining Facilities.
The Direct Supervision Philosophy Direct Supervision is a management philosophy, backed by a supervisory style for inmates, supported by a physical plant design that places staff face to face with inmates with full responsibility for the management of inmate behavior. All Officers work in direct contact with the inmates on a day to day basis, interacting, listening and communicating with the inmates. The Sheriff of Allegany County is responsible for protecting the citizens of Allegany County by providing a secure holding facility for persons legally placed in confinement within Allegany County. The Corrections Division of the Sheriff’s Office is mandated to provide for the safety of the inmates placed into its custody by maintaining a humane living environment at the Detention Center, while also providing a safe working environment for the staff of the center. The facility operates upon the following principles:
The Direct Supervision Philosophy cont The Direct Supervision Philosophy cont. The physical, emotional, and psychological well-being of all the inmates is a primary concern. A variety of programs are provided to aid interested inmates with their reintegration process. In order to meet these goals, a sufficient number of trained staff is provided to maintain the operation of the facility. The entire staff of the center is dedicated to providing a correctional program that meets applicable County, State, and Federal standards. Concerted efforts are made to ensure that the inmates’ human rights and dignity are not violated. A variety of programs are provided to aid interested inmates with their reintegration process.
ACDC Programs and Services: Video Visiting - Inmates can visit with family via the internet using terminals in each housing unit. Please visit our home page for the link to the iwebvisit site. Work Release Program - Inmates sentenced to the Allegany County Detention Center may participate in the Work Release program upon the recommendation of the sentencing judge and upon approval of the Work Release Director and the Administrator. County Work Crew - Inmates may participate in a county work program in conjunction with the Allegany County department of Public Works.
ACDC Programs and Services: Facility Workers - Inmates may be granted the privilege of working within the facility to earn additional time off of their sentence. Positions within their housing unit for cleaning purposes are available, as well as positions in the kitchen, laundry and floor maintenance crew. All positions teach trade skills that can be used beyond the facility when the inmate has completed their sentence. Life Line Connection - An intensive program designed to meet the needs of those with addictions, mental health, and life controlling issues. Goals and objectives are set and need to be met before completion of the program is attained.
ACDC Programs and Services: Committed to Change - This is a faith based program to build spiritual strength and educate individuals in the Christian faith. The program is offered by community volunteers. G.E.D. Classes - Sponsored by the Allegany County Board of Education, the classes are available to those inmates who request to participate and meet basic eligibility requirements. A.A. Alcoholics Anonymous - This group meets each week to converse and manage a 12 step plan to break the addiction cycle of alcohol.
ACDC Programs and Services: NA Narcotics Anonymous - This group meets each week to converse and manage a 12 step plan to break the addiction cycle of alcohol. Medical Services - The detention center has a Registered Nurse on duty 24 hours per day. A facility physician, psychiatrist, and dentist work with the Health Services Administrator to address the medical needs of the inmates. Emergency services are provided by local EMS agencies and local hospitals. Mental Health Counseling - The facility has a full time Mental Health Counselor who works in conjunction with the Medical Department and the facility psychiatrist.
ACDC Programs and Services: Religious Services - The detention center maintains a facility chaplain and also offers each inmate the opportunity to visit with a variety of religious personnel representing different denominations when available. Commissary - Inmates may purchase clothing, hygiene articles, stationary needs, and snacks at their own expense from the facility commissary. Indigent Services - The facility provides certain items to those inmates who have no funds.
Tri-State Teen Challenge, Inc Tri-State Teen Challenge, Inc. offers referral into residential centers located throughout the US and also runs the LifeLine Connection addictions program at Allegany County Detention Center.
There are over 200 residential Adult and Teen Challenge Centers throughout the US. Adult Male Adult Female Male Adolescent Female Adolescent Women with Children Pregnant Women Families Dual Diagnosis Incarcerated Community Based Groups Community Outreach Re-Entry Groups Emerging Leaders College Teen Challenge Ministry Institute Global Teen Challenge
NON-RESIDENTIAL PROGRAMS Sometimes residential care is simply not an option. For this reason, some Teen Challenge programs have developed alternative services. Examples of these alternative services include offering the Teen Challenge program inside prisons or offering small group meetings in local communities. For those who complete a residential Teen Challenge program, there are several programs available to facilitate continued personal growth. These include re-entry programs that provide a bridge between residential program living and independent living; ministry training institutes; and an Emerging Leaders college where students can earn college credits.
TEEN CHALLENGE COMMUNITY GROUPS Community groups provide a non- residential opportunity for participants to learn new Christ- centered ways of managing life-controlling problems in order to achieve and maintain sobriety. These groups are faith-based alternatives to secular support groups. Lifeline Connections is an example of a community group. It utilizes the Living Free curriculum and is lead by experienced facilitators.
TEEN CHALLENGE PRISON & JAIL PROGRAMS Currently, there are two models of Teen Challenge programs being utilized within prisons and jails. One is Freedom Challenge in Hutchinson, Kansas that is a barracks unit that is exclusively dedicated as a residential Teen Challenge program within the prison walls. The other is Tri-State Teen Challenge in Cumberland, Maryland that functions as a weekly community group offering structured, faith-based support.
What role does Tri-State Teen Challenge play in our community What role does Tri-State Teen Challenge play in our community? We have found that our part in the community’s fight against addiction is to reach out to the addict and inmates at the Allegany County Detention Center. Our partnership with the Sheriff’s Office allows our ministry direct access to the men and women held there. Through this access we can provide LifeLine Connection groups to teach and talk about the reality of addiction and confronting the issue honestly and openly. Our mission is to assist every individual we meet to see their need for change and help them to establish a foundation of recovery in their life.
What Tri-State Teen Challenge offers at the Allegany County Detention Center: ● Small group ministry to the men and women focused on addiction education, coping mechanisms, and spiritual principles based on Jesus Christ. ● One on One discipleship where we meet with an individual weekly and teach them specific Christian disciplines and further establish a foundation in recovery. ● Meeting with different individuals each week about the various issues they are facing and help to equip them if we can with the tools that are needed. ● Helping an inmate set up an exit plan for the first couple of days after their release. This helps them to focus on what is important first and not be overwhelmed by all that needs to be done. We advise them to tackle only a few things each day and more importantly to start living just for today.
Frostburg Nar-Anon Family Group Meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month Trinity Assembly of God, Midlothian MD 21502 For any questions contact John Scarpelli at 240-580-0446 or A 12 Step Program for Families and Friends of Addicts
Covenant Counseling Ministries, Inc Covenant Counseling Ministries, Inc. is committed to serving the local body of Christ through education and counsel of individuals, groups, and families using Biblical truths to promote maturity in Christ. Our services blend professional psychotherapy and Biblical Christianity to restore broken relationships, overcome addictions, heal wounds of the past, and enhance the Christian lifestyle. The goal of our free standing, non-profit ministry is to strengthen individuals, families, and churches. We accomplish this by first, functioning as a supportive resource for pastors by presenting educational workshops and seminars within the local church. And, second, by offering supplemental counseling to individuals, groups, and families within our community.
● Individual Counseling is provided for any client experiencing a difficult issue from communication conflicts to more complex mental health disorders or addictions. ● Group Counseling is offered periodically concerning various topics whereby many individuals identify dilemmas. Codependency, adult children of alcoholics (ACOA), boundaries, and freedom from addictions are examples of such group topics. ● Family Counseling is offered for couples or families experiencing conflicts or problems disruptive to the entire family unit. Mental health disorders, chronic illness, death, and divorce are just some of the topics presented in family therapy. Adolescents or children often serve as the identified client.
● We also serve a number of individuals who do not adhere to the basic Christian faith, yet, request our services. We are very sensitive to all client belief systems and realize that faith is basic to full healing and recovery. ● Covenant Counseling employs a holistic approach to the treatment of mental health disorders. We consider every issue to be influenced by the interaction of mind, body and spirit. Each patient’s concerns are viewed in a balanced perspective; approaches to therapy and medication management are individualized. ● In most cases, appointments for psychiatric medication management begin with an intake appointment with a therapist where a face-to-face history is obtained. Following this visit, recommendations and referral to the nurse practitioner are made. Forms for the visit can be found to the right and brought to the intake visit. This will assist us in scheduling your appointment for medication management.
Living Free Seminars and Training Living Free is a small group strategy that has helped over 800,000 people learn to face life's struggles and move toward freedom and wholeness in Christ. At church and work, people are smiling outside--hurting inside. Keeping up appearances. But something has its hooks in them. Threatens to take them under. Depression. Anxiety. Anger. Broken Relationships. Caregiving Responsibilities. Addictions. Eating Disorders. Money Problems. Compulsive Sex. A Loved-one's Problems. See how this small group strategy works, hear some powerful stories of changed lives, and check out proven resources and tools.
The Living Free Small Group Training Series is: ● The Living Free Small Group Training Series is: ● An opportunity for a powerful relationship-based ministry. ● A way to develop a new kind of leader trained to do meaningful small group ministry. ● A powerful tool for community outreach. ● A structure to experience the joy of seeing people learning to live free. ● Hosted by Ruth Graham, daughter of Ruth and Billy Graham, whose own life experience reflects many of the concepts in the training.
Concepts Found in the Living Free Seminar’s Eight Sessions: ● Concepts Found in the Living Free Seminar’s Eight Sessions: ● Defining Life-Controlling Problems ● Mastered and Trapped by Our Issues ● Walls of Protection ● Family Influences ● Helping or Harming? ● The Small Group Strategy ● Effective Facilitation and Communication ● Launching a Living Free Ministry
Living Free Curriculum’s Range of Topics: The small group curriculum topics include developing Christian character, anger, conflict resolution, addictions, eating disorders, depression, grief and loss, sexual purity, codependency, parenting, life as a single Christian, same sex attraction, caring for aging or infirm loved-ones, overcoming disappointments and setbacks, authentic Christianity, grief for children, dealing with prejudice, family violence, 12-Steps, knowing God, and other topics. New topics are continually being developed.