Parent Meeting TROOP ______


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Presentation transcript:

Parent Meeting TROOP ______ Remember to remind parents the troop number so they don’t run into any issues with registration. TROOP ______

Girl Scout Promise On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my Country, To Help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law. Girl Scouts is built on a tradition and values since the founding in 1912.

Girl Scout Law I will do my best to be Honest and fair, Friendly and helpful, Considerate and caring, Courageous and strong, and Responsible for what I say and do, and to Respect myself and others, Respect authority, Use resources wisely, Make the world a better place, and Be a sister to every Girl Scout. Parents, Leaders and girls are expected to live by the girl scout law.

Tradition EDUCATION Girls of Courage, Confidence and Character. Adventure Exploration EDUCATION Growth Experiences Click the Girl Scouts Video (You don’t have to watch the entire video) Girl Scouts is an amazing experience that parents will do WITH their daughter. They can even earn the same badges as their daughter. Parents will be expected to be involved in some way: attend meetings, teach badges, bring treats, help sell cookies, etc. Most likely they will help their daughters complete badges at home and expand on the experiences that they have at the troop meeting. Parents don’t have to wait for the troop to experience everything that girl scouts can do. Tell parents to check out the website for events, camps, and activities the girls can go do without the troop. Family Welcome to Girl Scouts (Video)

Troop Leader Background Who Am I ? Why Am I Doing This? What is my Background? My Expectation: Financial hardship will not preclude participation Parent participation is needed and expected- Girl Scouts is your time with your daughter. No bullying. Parents will be expected to attend the troop meetings if their child need special attention. Opportunity for the leader to tell something about yourself. Please explain that you are a parent too and a volunteer. You expect all parents to volunteer and be a part of the experience. It becomes a burden on you if parents do not respond to email/texts or do not pick up their daughters on time.

Cookie Pre-Orders Begin Calendar January Cookie Pre-Orders Begin February Cookie: Delivery March Cookie: Booth Sales April Re-Regstration campaign starts May June July August September October (New Membership Year Starts- Deadline for renewing membership) November December This is a traditional calendar of the year. Membership year goes from October to October (Basically the School year). This means that you must re-register ($15 fee) each year in October. Cookie selling season goes from January to March.

Cost $25 fee paid to GSUSA through the GSU website This covers insurance so that the girl is protected at Girl Scout Events. The Fee can be waived by GS of Utah if there is a financial need. Register as normal and you will be prompted to click “financial aid” This puts a temporary stop on your membership application so do not apply for financial aid unless you truly need it. This troop requires that at least one adult per family register with their child. All adults with children need to be registered and criminally background checked. Girl Scouts of Utah will pay for the criminal background check. NOTE: You can adjust the last point to fit your needs and requirements. Some troop leaders do not make parent registration, mandatory. If you have troubles registering, call Customer Service 801-265-8472

Uniforms Basics: American Flag $2.25 Troop Number around $5.25 Council ID $5.50 Insignia Tab $3.00 World Trefoil Pin $2.50 Girl Scout Membership Pin $2.00 Sash or $7.00 Vest $19.50 Total: $26-40 NOTE: Troop leaders can decide whether to pay for the uniform. Typically leaders do not pay for the basic uniform but the troop dues/cookie sales fund badges and patches. Let your parents know what is required for your troop. TROOP UNIFROMS ARE NOT REQUIRED!!!! For flag ceremonies and other "official" events, they should wear khaki bottoms (skirt or pants) and a white shirt along with a sash or vest, if they have it.  Otherwise, just the khaki and white.  For cookie booths, it's not required but it's a good idea.  Decide between the troop leaders and parents what everyone is comfortable with. Listed is the basics. Some troops have a troop crest which is unique to the values of the troop (additional $1.50). Choosing a troop crest is fun for the girls to decide what symbol represent them.

Other Resources The Girl Guide books have the majority of the badges that the girls will earn. It is highly encouraged that parents purchase the Girl Guide book ($16.98) so that they can help their daughters complete the badges at home. The service centers in American Fork, SLC, and Ogden have girl guides that can be checked out for free for 2 weeks at a time. It is very difficult to complete a badge in one meeting. Some troops require the parents to sign off that they have completed the badges with their daughters at home, before the girl can receive her badge. Badges are about 2 dollars. This cost is usually covered by the troop. In addition to the badges. The troop may decide to go on a journey. The Journey Book is separate from the Girl Guide. The journey is a more difficult but very rewarding experience that will take several troop meetings. Typically Girl Guide costs $16.89.

Gain Experiences Earn Badges Money Manager Naturalist- Bugs First Aid Computer Expert Home Scientist Hiker Inventor Artists Cookie-Simple Meals Citizen- Inside Government World Traveler Business Owner Savvy Shopper Website Designer Women’s Health Adventurer Room Makeover Social Innovator Textile Artist Trailblazer Book Artists Screenwriter Public Speaker Digital Movie Maker Camper Have parents take a look at the badges earned at this level. Let them think of places, people or interests that they have that they would be able to help teach this badge.

NOTE: The next slides show what each level does NOTE: The next slides show what each level does. You can delete the different slides so you only have the levels that is in your troop. You can also print these off and show to your parents so that they can sign up to teach or be in charge of a specific badge.

Parent Involvement Troop Cookie Manager Teach a Badge Drivers Girl Scouts is an experience that you have with your daughter! Troop Cookie Manager Teach a Badge Drivers Parent involvement is critical in the success. Here are current positions: Troop Cookie manager Troop Treasurer The troop needs drivers and people to assist in helping with cookie booths. Have the parents complete the parent interest survey and return it to you. Troop Treasurer Help at Cookie Booths

Cookie Sales Cookie sales January- March Troops receive $.40 per box Typically Girls receive $10 in Activity Credits for every 50 boxes sold. This is the break down for the $4.00 boxes sold. Your troop receives $.40 per box. Your local community receives $.05 per box to run local activities. The girls also receive activity credits (paper money mailed to them at the end of the cookie season) for the boxes sold. Typically girls receive $10 in Activity Credits for every 50 boxes sold. These credits can be used for camps, certain events, and for registrations. Funds do not come until after the cookie season.

3. 1. 2. Selling Cookies Pre Sale: Take Orders Deliver Cookies Booth Sales This is a quick overview of selling cookies. Door to door pre sales Delivery of cookies Booth Sales More training at the required Cookie Parent Meeting

Troop Dues Cookie sales will account for most of the troop’s budget- But these funds will not come in until spring. Troop Dues are recommended for activities, sup9plies, outings, and badges . They range typically from $20-30. We as a troop can decide if we want to have an upfront troop due or pay as we go. This means that we will let parents know before the meeting, how much the activity will cost. We will try to do more free outings and activities and ask for supply donations from parents. VOTE: up front due of ____________ or pay as we go. NOTE TROOP LEADERS: Giving the parents the option to vote can give them buy in so they feel responsible for the troop. However, this may cause issues with you trying to collect these fees at later dates.

Safety The $25 membership covers insurance of the girl while at the troop meeting place Permission forms must be signed if the troop leaves the assigned meeting place (field trips) Health forms must be completed and will be carried with the troop leader at all times Please have the parent complete the health forms for their girls and themselves (if they are helping out with the troop). Collect these forms and put them in your emergency folder to be with you at all troop meetings.

Troop Leader Information Meeting Schedule PLACE TIME Troop Leader Information Let them know when they should pick up their kids. NAME NUMBER

Questions ?? 801-265-8472 Call Member Support: Member support helps with registration questions, event questions, basically anything. Tell parents to give them a call!