Provisional Yearly Timeframe of 2017 Head of Programme Division Introductory Workshop for New RCA GPs on RCA Programme and its Policy, 23-25 Nov. 2016 Provisional Yearly Timeframe of 2017 Hyunkyoung Jeon Head of Programme Division RCA Regional Office
Contents Provisional Work Plan in 2017 Activities related to the NRs
2017 RCARO Calendar
2017 RCARO Calendar
2017 RCARO Calendar
RCARO Fellowship Programme Quarter1 RCARO Fellowship Programme Invite colleagues from GPs to increase the interaction with the GPs and RCARO Duration: 2 months Duties: Updating stakeholder/end-user database, collecting information on regional/international events, assisting in implementing the RCARO managed projects, etc. Coverage: airfare, stipend Announcement: December for the following year Nominations to the RCARO 37 temp staff have been assigned since 2004 BGD(4), CPR(2), INS(4), MAL(3), MON(2), MYA(2), PAK(3), PHI(2), SRL(4), THA(6), VIE(5)
RCARO/KAIST Nuclear Engineering Master’s Degree Course Quarter1 RCARO/KAIST Nuclear Engineering Master’s Degree Course To educate and train the excellent students from the GPs aiming to preserve and enhance nuclear technology for RCA GPs Announcement by the RCARO: Spring semester in June Fall semester in early February Application forms directly sent to the KAIST by due date The application forms must be signed by the respective NR Scholarship coverage: application fee, 2 years tuition, stipend, airfare 28 students from RCA GPs have received the degree since 2003 BGD(6), CPR(1), INS(6), MAL(1), MON(1), MYA(5), PAK(5), PHI(2), SRL(1), VIE(2)
Expert Support Programme for the RCA Promotion Quarter1 Expert Support Programme for the RCA Promotion To support RCA experts for their participation in regional/international events and their RCA promotional activities Nominations to the RCARO Selects 3-4 experts according to the guideline of the programme Coverage: airfare, accommodation, registration fee
RCA/UNDP Partnership Project on EB Applications Quarter1 RCA/UNDP Partnership Project on EB Applications 1st Phase Project Project Duration: 2013-2015 Participating Countries: 16* * Australia, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Korea (Lead Country), Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Philippines, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam Policy Meetings, RTCs (basic to advanced), and National Activities on EB Applications (agriculture, industry and environment treatment) 2nd Phase Project Project Duration: 2017-2019 Participating Countries: 16 +a (Bangladesh, Fiji, Laos, Nepal, and Palau) Policy Meetings, RTCs (advanced and on-site training), Expert Missions and National Activities on EB Applications (agriculture, industry and environment treatment)
Quarter1 RCA/UNDP Partnership Project on EB Applications Year Planned Activities Timeframe Expected Participants from each GP Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2017 Project Kick-off Meeting X National Project Coordinator RTC on Environment Treatment One or two experts Expert Mission Related institutes, governmental bodies, etc 2018 RTC on Food Project Mid-term Review Meeting 2019 RTC on Industry Project Final Review Meeting
IAEA/RCARO/KINS Joint Training Course on Radiation Safety Quarter 2 IAEA/RCARO/KINS Joint Training Course on Radiation Safety Following the training course in 2016, a training course on radiation safety will be hosted by the RCARO in cooperation with the IAEA and KINS. Target countries will be countries with no/limited radiation safety infrastructure and policy Nominations to the IAEA Implemented by the RCARO
Quarter 3 RCARO/KAERI Introductory Workshop on Radiation Technology and its Applications Purpose: to introduce the technical and practical knowledge on radiation technology and its application Target: technical or managerial professionals directly involved in the field of radiation application technology in government authorities, R&D institutes and regulatory bodies, preferably with less than 5 years of experience in the field Subjects covered: radiation policy & safety, radiation applications in the focus areas, i.e. agriculture, human health, industry and environment Nominations to the RCARO Supported 100 trainees since 2008 BGD(10), CPR(7), IND(5), INS(9), MAL(10), MON(6), MYA(8), PAK(9), PHI(9), SRL(8), THA(9), VIE(9)
Other Activities Nominations for the partnership projects with the ASEAN Nominations for the Research Project (RP) Information on regional/international conferences Information on the policy related meetings: GCM, NRM, WGs Surveys related to the RCA/RCARO activities
RCA Regional Office Thank You