Objectives To inform the Portfolio Committee about the priorities of School Sport during the 2017/18 financial year.
INTRODUCTION The Minister of Sport held a workshop with all MEC’s of Sport, HOD’s, Chief Directors and DBE on School Sport in May 2017. A number of recommendations were made in order to improve the School Sport Programme. An improvement plan has been developed in order to action these recommendations This improvement plan was enrinched with the proposals made at the Minister’s Workshop. An evaluation of the School Sport programme had been done and a report was produced in that regard Report was presented and adopted by SRSA MANCO Further presentations were made to DBE on the findings and recommendations. ALL these recommendations from the Minister’s Workshop and the Evaluation have been considered in the Draft Improvement Plan.
PROBLEM STATEMENT Number of reviews of the National Schools Championship model over the last five years Steady increase in the number of participants and sport codes over the years National Sport Federations and School Sport Code Structures have continued to undermine the National School Sport Championship Severe restrictions on government funding with budgets being limited and imposition of cost-cutting measures. Seasonal programme allows for the alignment BUT places a considerable burden on limited funding DBE is also unable to commit additional funding to support this school sport programme Age groups that federations proposes in NSSC is not aligned to the LTPD
UPDATE ON IMPLEMENTATION OF KEY ACTIVITIES IN THE MOU Activity Responsible Status to date 1 Finalization of the Schools Sport Policy DBE Ongoing 2 Finalize guidelines for agencies supporting the delivery of school sport SRSA Completed 3 Establish school sport committees and support these committees at all levels to deliver school sport leagues. To be reviewed 4 Ensure the delivery of well organized intra/inter school sport activities. Not yet achieved 5 Together with provincial governments and federations identify talent at inter-district school tournaments for further development through the academy system. 6 Development of Training Material for Teachers DBE & SRSA On-going 7 Facilitate Capacity Building programs for Teachers In progress
UPDATE ON IMPLEMENTATION OF KEY ACTIVITIES IN THE MOU Activity Responsible Status to date 8 Assist National Federations in the hosting of National Junior Championship SRSA Ongoing 9 Host National Junior Olympic Games biannually in conjunction with SASCOC ( to serve as a feeder system for the IOC Youth Olympic Games) Completed (Currently under review) 10 Develop the concept of Sport Focus Schools Completed 11 Develop a 5 year competitive schools sport plan with National Federations SRSA, DBE AND FEDERATIONS
PRIORITY AREAS ON REVIEWING SCHOOL SPORT PROGRAMME POLICY RELATED: Inclusion of Combat Sports Roles and responsibilities of SGB’s School Sports policy Sport focused school model Physical Education implementation MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING School Sport Code Coordinating Structures Inter and Intra School Sport participation (Level 1-3) Allocation of Funding Teacher’s incentives Building of Sports Facilities in schools Inclusion of the Sports Code in the MoU
PRIORITY AREAS ON REVIEWING SCHOOL SPORT PROGRAMME NATIONAL SCHOOL SPORT CHAMPIONSHIPS A predictable, repetitive, competition is proposed. Consider LTPD, COSSASA and ISF As principle it should consist of: 1. Apex codes and two other codes 2.Maximum of three age groups, male and female and disabled 3. Alignment of National Federations and School Sport Code Structures Winter Codes – Netball, Rugby, Football, for males and females. Summer Codes – Cricket and Chess (non apex). Autumn – Athletics and Aquatics(non apex). Indigenous Games Codes for Schools to be incorporated into the IG Festival in September 2018.
PRIORITY AREAS ON REVIEWING SCHOOL SPORT PROGRAMME 4. SCHOOL SPORT PROGRAMME DELIVERY Number of learners supported to participate in the national school sport competition Number of learners participating in school sport tournaments at a provincial level Number of learners participating in school sport tournaments at a district level Number of educators trained to deliver school sport programs Number of volunteers trained to deliver school sport programs Number of schools provided with equipment and or attire Number of sport focus school supported
WORK PLAN AND PROGRESS ACTIVITY PROGRESS DATE Consultation with provincial departments of Sports Held 5th- 6th May 2017 Minister’s School Sport Workshop 17 May 2017 Joint Meeting of DG’s 20 June 2017 Joint Task Team Meeting Ongoing, Every second week Next meeting 26 July 2017 Meeting with Provincial Departments of Sport for inputs on the MoU TBC August 2017 Joint HEADCOM Confirmed 14 August 2017 Stakeholders Workshop Joint National Task Team and extended JNTT meetings September 2017 Consultation with SGBs Joint MINMEC Joint PC Sport and Recreation and Basic Education November 2017 Presentation of the 1st Draft of MoU December 2017