Supporting Schools
Potential advantages of a mat Share good practice strategically across the MAT thus fostering great teaching Tackle together the current shortage of Catholic Heads Plan succession into leadership more efficiently and effectively through careful tracking of talent across the trust and provision of broader opportunities for placement/experience in other trust schools and joint CPD Offer opportunities for outstanding leaders to grow in responsibilities without moving further afield; Share scarce resources (eg music specialists) to enhance the learning in schools unable to provide such resources themselves;
develop their staff together easily share staff and leaders as appropriate since they are all employees of the same company foster mobility between schools work together on developing the Catholic identity provide a strong identity into the local area, at both parish and pastoral area level More easily enable outstanding schools to take a leading role Have much stronger purchasing power, within a MAT financial structure.
Restructure governance arrangements so that they match the new MAT structure creating a sharper focus at local level on standards, Catholic life and pupil welfare whilst the MAT Board deals with policy development and strategy Plan developments strategically as a single entity for the benefit of all the academies/pupils/staff Employ staff to work across the MAT as a whole - finance and administration teams, as well as the teaching staff structure, can be reviewed in order to be ‘fit for purpose’ in the larger organisation Manage finances efficiently as a single entity for the benefit of all the academies e.g. by pooling any reserves in higher interest accounts No one school is left vulnerable
Pope francis “The mission of schools is to develop a sense of truth, of what is good and beautiful. And this occurs through a rich path made up of many ingredients.” “True education enables us to love life and opens us to the fullness of life.” “Catholic schools, which always strive to join their work of education with the explicit proclamation of the Gospel, are a most valuable resource for the evangelization of culture…”
Core Principles – Bishops’ Conference The search for excellence as an integral part of the spiritual quest. The uniqueness of the individual made in God’s image and loved by Him. The education of the whole person based on the belief that the human and divine are inseparable. The education of all with the particular duty to care for the poor and disadvantaged. Moral principles put into practice within a Christian community.
school may require or may be able to offer? Name of MAT Name of School Following the presentation on the Academy conversion process what support do you think your school may require or may be able to offer? Name of MAT Name of School Support required Support offered Consultation process Application Completion TUPE Arrangements Financial Management Liaison with LA Liaison with solicitors Liaison with DFE
What services should be provided? Centrally As a MAT At School Level By a Teaching School By another source
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