Electronics and Computer Systems Careers Bruce Woodcock University of Kent Careers and Employability Service You can download a copy of this presentation at www.kent.ac.uk/careers/slides.htm
Destinations of Electronics and CSE Graduates www.kent.ac.uk/careers/electronics.htm
Skills gained on a Kent Electronics degree Gather and analyse relevant information from a wide variety of sources Identify and propose solutions to problems Project management Technical skills Work with others in the preparation and presentation of group work (group projects) Work independently (individual projects) Communicate with others in a clear and articulate manner Present ideas and arguments verbally in presentations and seminars, and informal discussions
I.T. EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE REVIEW Teamwork Problem Solving and Judgement Coming up with effective solutions Innovation and Change Receptivity to new ideas. "Flexible designs that can withstand last minute changes" Administration Documentation - "Much of software development involves writing things down and looking them up again" Technical knowledge Quick Learner Planning Establishing priorities and scheduling time. Well organised. Productivity Professionalism - "completing projects on time". Quality of work "On schedule, under budget, works first time Self Development Teaching yourself new skills!“ Communication Presentation skills, Clear, concise, documentation.
How to “sell” your degree List relevant modules (plus marks if good!) Projects – especially if relevant IT skills Soft skills – evidence of teamwork, project management, problem solving etc. For non-IT jobs (e.g. banking) you would need a different CV focusing on your soft skills more than technical skills.
Electronics CV Example www.kent.ac.uk/careers/cv/electronicsCV.htm The medium is the message. If your CV isn’t professional – spelling mistakes/lack of attention to detail, the employer will assume that your work will be sloppy too.
Application Process The smaller company process is much simpler and you can apply much later (often after final exams) but salaries are usually lower and they offer less training and less chance to specialise.
Example CVs www.kent.ac.uk/careers/cv/cvexamples.htm Electronics CV Example www.kent.ac.uk/careers/cv/electronicsCV.htm CV Checklist www.kent.ac.uk/careers/cv/cv-checklist.htm
Web Pages Applications and Interviews www.kent.ac.uk/careers/applicn.htm Practice Interviews: Questions asked at IT interviews plus skills needed for IT jobs. www.kent.ac.uk/careers/interviews/mockivs.htm Electronics/CSE Careers Page www.kent.ac.uk/careers/electronics.htm Placements www.kent.ac.uk/careers/placements.htm Gradcracker www.gradcracker.com great site for electronics jobs and placements
Career Planning I will send you an email every Monday on vacation work, careers presentations on campus, vacancies etc. Apply early: closing dates are often in December.
Careers Fair 12 - 3 pm. Tues Nov 1st Sports Centre Meet employers from all sectors offering graduate jobs, placements and summer internships. Find out about the opportunities they offer and get first-hand advice and information. Everybody welcome, whatever your year or subject of study. BAe, Accenture, Cummins, Fujitsu, Cisco, IBM etc. www.kent.ac.uk/ces/careersfair
IBM MENTORING SCHEME For students of ANY degree subject For first-year students looking to do a placement as part of their degree or second year students considering life after University. It is a virtual mentoring scheme whereby the majority of contact with students is either via email, telephone or by Skype. For further details and information on how to apply see www.kent.ac.uk/careers/IBM.htm
Careers Award on Moodle Half the unemployment rate for students completing the award Enter Moodle, search for DP2650 or Careers Award and click enrol Email bw@kent.ac.uk if you have problems enrolling More info at www.kent.ac.uk/careers/moodle.htm
www.kent.ac.uk/careers Telephone: 01227 823299 Email: careerhelp@kent.ac.uk Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9 to 5 including vacations Drop-in times (no appointment needed: 15 minutes): 10.30 to 12.30 and 2 to 4 pm Help given for up to 3 years after graduation Weekly careers emails every Monday afternoon
Eolectronics and Computer Systems Careers Bruce Woodcock University of Kent Careers and Employability Service You can download a copy of this presentation at www.kent.ac.uk/careers/slides.htm