Oxford Area High School Graduation Projects Oxford Area High School
Local Graduation Requirement TCHS students do theirs at TCHS All other students do it at the high school
Types of Projects What you CAN do What you CANNOT do Service project Research paper Demonstration, exhibition or performance Cultural, career, historical experience Eagle Scout/Gold Award Upward bound National History Day competition What you CANNOT do Anything done for course credit Anything done for pay Vacations with little to no educational value Court ordered assignments
Requirements Proposal form signed by parents, sponsor Log/verification of hours (except research paper) Three page reflection paper (except research paper) Ten page research paper (research paper only) Presentation (9-10) minutes
Picking a Project Select something that interests you Something you already do in your personal life Brainstorm a few ideas START EARLY
Service Project Should be working with an organization or community agency Examples: children or animals, coaching a sports team, hospital, church Keep journal, take photos
Research Paper Select a topic to research Can be academic, or original (scientific) Write a formal research paper, complete with Five + sources MLA format In-text citation Works cited page Submitted on Blackboard
Exhibition, Performance This demonstrates a an object that you created, built, raised, or updated Artwork or photo exhibit Work on a car or tractor Care for an animal Keep journal, take photos, save receipts
Cultural or Career Experience Example: travel abroad, host exchange student Career experience Job shadow Volunteer work (no pay) Keep journal, take pictures and visual aids
The remainder… Eagle Scout, Upward Bound, National History Day, see Mr. Wendle
Requirements and Deadlines Proposal, sponsor form due: 3/31/2017 (juniors) 11/17/2017 (soph) OR ELSE NO…
Log Along with research/reflection papers due 9/4/2017 (juniors)
Scheduling Form Due TBD
Presentations Done week in the fall Graded by two teachers according to following rubric
Suggestions going forward Get it done on the front side Pick a topic that works for you Don’t procrastinate Consequences for failure Loss of privileges Not graduating