A super large organic compound. Macromolecule: A super large organic compound.
Monomer-a small organic molecule that can link with other monomers to form chains
Polymer-a large organic molecule made of many monomers that are linked to form a chain
Analogies POLYMER MONOMER A TRAIN ? A PEARL NECKLACE If the train is the whole polymer, what would be the small groups that make up the train? If the necklace is the polymer, what are the monomers that make up the necklace?
A Polymer-macromolecule made of many smaller molecules Here are some analogies to better understand what polymers and monomers are…. EXAMPLE of POLYMER MONOMER A TRAIN BOX CAR A PEARL NECKLACE PEARL If the train is the whole polymer, what would be the small groups that make up the train? If the necklace is the polymer, what are the monomers that make up the necklace?
Now you and a buddy… need to think of at least one other analogy for a polymer and its monomers.
Now we are ready to begin our study of...
The Big Four
Three out of the 4 types of macromolecules can be found on food nutrition labels…
The 3 biochemical molecules found on a nutrition label are: Look at the label to the left. 3 of the 4 macromolecules can be found in foods. The 3 biochemical molecules found on a nutrition label are: FAT 1____________________ 2____________________ 3____________________ (0 grams in this product) Carbohydrates (13 grams in this product) Protein (9 grams in this product)
What is the fourth type of biochemical macromolecule?
Keep the following in mind when studying this material: Nucleic Acids Carbohydrates What they do Where they are found Lipids What are they made up of What atoms they contain Proteins How they are used by organisms Keep the following in mind when studying this material:
CARBOHYDRATES WHAT DO THEY DO? They are the main source of energy (fuel) for organisms. They make up the cell wall in plants which allow plants to grow tall, without this carbohydrate, a plant would be a mushy mess! This kind of carbohydrate is called Cellulose or fiber
CARBOHYDRATES WHERE ARE THEY FOUND? Plants- in the cell walls of plants as cellulose, and as sugars and starches (fruit, wood, potatoes) Animals-in milk (dairy products), and in the liver stored as glycogen
Simple: Sugars made up of 1 or 2 monomers. They also taste sweet.
Complex: Carbohydrates that are polymers made up of many monomers. Most also taste starchy.
Chains of monomers. CARBOHYDRATES MADE UP OF... Chains of monomers. Glucose is the most common monomer, also called “blood sugar”.
The chemical structure of Glucose is a hexagonal ring
Every carbohydrate contains atoms of… Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen CARBOHYDRATES AT THE ATOMIC LEVEL Every carbohydrate contains atoms of… Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen THINK: “CHO”
PROTEINS WHAT DO THEY DO? They are the major structural molecules in organisms; used for building tissues They make up immune system antibodies They make up enzymes that promote chemical reactions They makeup hormones which regulate body functions
Examples of tissues made of protein: muscle, connective, blood
Hair, Skin, and Nails
Microscope View of Skin and Nails Skin Cells Fingernail Protein (Keratin)
Cell Membranes Contain Proteins The cell membrane surrounds everything in a cell so that it doesn’t leak out. The cell membrane is made mostly of lipids with a few embedded proteins.
Antibodies Antibodies are proteins found in the immune system. If a microorganism, virus, or foreign protein enters the body, antibodies find the invader and attach themselves to its surface. The antibodies attract white blood cells that digest and destroy the invader with enzymes.
It would take years to digest a hamburger without digestive enzymes. Enzymes are proteins that promote ( speed up) or inhibit chemical reactions in organisms so that reactions happen fast enough to sustain life. It would take years to digest a hamburger without digestive enzymes.
Major Hormone- Secreting Glands/Organs Hormones are proteins made in glands that are in one place in the body and then secreted into the blood. They target other organs or tissues that respond in some way. Major Hormone- Secreting Glands/Organs
PROTEINS In Foods WHERE ARE THEY FOUND? Plants-small quantities in roots, stems, and leaves; concentrated in nuts, seeds, and grains Animal-most tissues like muscles and other organs, liquid tissues like blood and milk, & in eggs and skin
Proteins in Food
PROTEINS MADE UP OF... Proteins are long chains (polymers) made of smaller units (monomers) called AMINO ACIDS
http://www. hcc. mnscu. edu/programs/dept/chem/V http://www.hcc.mnscu.edu/programs/dept/chem/V.27/amino_acid_structure_2.jpg
http://upload. wikimedia http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c5/Amino_acids_2.png/483px-Amino_acids_2.png
Proteins and Vegetarian Diets There are 20 essential amino acids that humans need to build all of their tissues. Vegans must eat grains & legumes at the same time in order to obtain all 20 essential amino acids.
The shapes of proteins are like a folded up strand of pearls. Amino Acid Chain FoldedChain
PROTEINS THINK: “CHONS” Each protein is made up of… AT THE ATOMIC LEVEL Each protein is made up of… Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen, Nitrogen and sometimes Sulfur THINK: “CHONS”
LIPIDS WHAT DO THEY DO? They are a major source of STORED ENERGY They INSULATE the bodies of some organisms to maintain body temperature and they CUSHION the internal organs for protection. They form STEROIDS that are hormones that regulate body functions They waterproof the surfaces of some animals and plants to prevent dehydration (waxes) They form cell membranes
LIPIPS (Fats, Oils, Waxes) …some interesting info Waterproofing... Fruits and leaves produce a waxy coating to keep from drying out. The cells in a tulip make a wax which helps coat the leaves. Ear wax traps dust, sand, and other foreign particles from going deeper into the ear and causing damage. Beeswax- a structural material to hold honey in the hive
LIPIDS…some more interesting info Steroids... There are many different types of steroids and their functions vary. Some common steroids are: SEX STEROIDS ANABOLIC STEROIDS CHOLESTEROL Builds cell membranes, makes other hormones Regulate sex characteristics & reproduction Increases muscle mass
LIPIDS…some more interesting info Some anabolic steroids are synthetic, harmful, & illegal Steriods...
LIPIDS Plants- in the seeds WHERE ARE THEY FOUND? Plants- in the seeds --------------------------------------------------- Animals- in adipose (fat) tissue & connective tissue cell membranes of all cells.
LIPIDS MADE UP OF... Lipids are chains (polymers) made of monomers. The most common monomer of lipids is a… TRIGLYCERIDE
The Shape of a Triglyceride is Like the Letter a triglyceride molecule
LIPIDS TYPES Fats Oils Waxes
Each lipid molecule is made up of… Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen LIPIDS AT THE ATOMIC LEVEL Each lipid molecule is made up of… Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen THINK: “CHO”
How are Lipids like Carbohydrates? Both carbohydrates and lipids contain the elements Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen “CHO” A carbohydrate always has twice as many hydrogen atoms as the number of oxygen and carbon atoms. EX: C6H12O6 Glucose Lipids have many more carbon and hydrogen atoms as they do oxygen atoms. EX: C27H45OH Cholesterol Lipids have more chemical bonds, therefore more stored energy!
Quick Review Questions Try to answer without looking back or using your notes :) What macromolecule stores energy for the future? What are 4 functions of proteins in your body? What are some examples of lipids? What are two main functions of carbohydrates in plants? DNA and RNA are this type of macromolecule:
Mini Quiz Examples of the Big 4 Each of the following foods is high in one of the Big 4 organic macromolecule molecules. Decide which one is found in each of the following foods. Corn Oil Lean Ham Bread Fish
Nucleic Acids WHAT DO THEY DO DNA Is the genetic material. Chromosomes are made of DNA. Chromosomes contain the “recipes” to make proteins for your body. RNA Reads the DNA “protein recipes” and makes the proteins for your body.
NUCLEIC ACIDS DNA- in the nucleus of the cell in all organisms WHERE ARE THEY FOUND? DNA- in the nucleus of the cell in all organisms DNA-in the mitochondria RNA-outside the nucleus
NUCLEIC ACIDS MADE UP OF... Nucleic Acids are chains (polymers) made of monomers. Nucleic acids are made up of Nucleotides
Each nucleic acid is made up of… Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen NUCLEIC ACIDS AT THE ATOM LEVEL Each nucleic acid is made up of… Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen THINK: “PONCH”
REVIEW QUESTIONS What elements are found in all of the Big 4 molecules? Since Carbohydrates and Lipids have the same elements in them, how can you tell the difference? Would C26H32O5 be a carbohydrate or lipid? Which molecule is in the shape of a hexagon? Which molecule is in the shape of an E? A polymer of amino acids makes what molecule?
Which one of the following molecules is a lipid? A carbohydrate?
MORE REVIEW What kind of carbohydrate gives you a quick burst of energy? What kind of carbohydrate gives you long term energy? You are stranded on a desert island and have found a box of food. Considering you have almost nothing to eat on the island, which of the following would be the best food to have in the box? WHY? Crackers Butter Nuts