Sonnet Workshop AP English Lit.: Klenz
1. What are the characteristics of a traditional sonnet? 14 lines Structure based on Petrarchan (Italian) or Shakespearean (English) models A volta (turn/shift) Meter (iambic pentameter) Customary rhyme scheme
2. Why fourteen lines? No one knows Codified in the 13th century “liberating limitation” “intense enough for passion, wide enough for thought” 14 isn’t the end-all, be-all – structure is
3. What is a Petrarchan sonnet? Italian poet – Petrarch 2-part argument 1st 8 lines (octave) raise an issue 1st 4 lines (quatrain) establish subject, 2nd quatrain complicates it Last 6 lines (sestet) develops the subject Respond to issue Comment on problem Resolve conflict Rhyme scheme (3 possible) abba abba cdecde abba abba cdeced abba abba cdcdee
4. What is the turn or volta in the Petrarchan sonnet? It is the essence of the sonnet – what makes a sonnet a sonnet A change in direction An answer to a ? A solution to a problem Deepens the subject
5. What is a Shakespearean sonnet? “English” or “Elizabethan” Often uses 3 quatrains to develop theme or examine a subject from 3 perspectives before bringing argument to close in final couplet 4-fold division of thought or feeling Rhyme scheme abab cdcd efef gg
6. What is the purpose of the couplet in the Shakespearean sonnet? Stands alone as a formal unit Has rhetorical power – Convincing, powerful resolution For, so, therefore, and, yet (propositional) Syllogistic logic Witty, self-conscious – “louder” – memorable Aphoristic quality
7. Why iambic pentameter? Closer to speech Rarely perfect Sonnet will follow the most common meter of the language in which it is written For English, this is iambic pentameter Short stress followed by long (2 syllables in a foot of iamb, 5 feet = 10 syllables)
8. Why rhyme? Connects – partnership of words Function – marker signaling the end of a rhythmic unit Petrarchan octave- 2 rhymes bind the argument Options in sestet expand for resolution – 3 rhymes in six lines Italian language much richer in rhyme than English (2 more rhymes necessary – f and g)
9. Can there be an unrhymed sonnet? For purists, no. For non-traditionalists, yes. Rhyme is a key element but not the only one Must maintain at least two elements of traditional form
10. Can a sonnet be more (or less) than 14 lines? For purists, no. For non-traditionalists, yes – in ratio 8:6 ratio becomes 12:9
Shakespeare’s sonnets 154 of them Complex dramatic situation 1st 126 address a young man –aka “the fair youth” Last 28 speak to or are about the poet’s mistress –aka “the dark lady 3 characters – poet, youth, lady The older poet (speaker) has affection for both The young man’s attentions are courted by rival poets The lady, who is the sensual and mysterious mistress of the older poet, has also seduced the youth
Shakespeare’s sonnets, continued The complex dramatic situation set up by Shakespeare allows him to explore four major themes: The nature of love Vicissitudes of time The function of poetry The permanence of art