The solar system BY: Nadia Majestic
THE SUN ACOUNTS FOR 99.86 PERCENT OF MASS IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM. The sun is that big bright ball in the sky it give warmth and brightness.
Mercury Mercury is the closes planet to the sun. Also the smallest planet of all eight. For every 2 orbits of the sun, witch takes around 88 Earth days Mercury completes 3 rotations of its axis. Thanks and lets go to the next slide.
Venus Venus is the second planet from the sun. orbiting it every 224.7 Earth days. It has the longest rotation period of any planet in the solar system. Also usually rotates in the opposite direction of some planets. It has no natural satellite. Also on Venus it snows metal and rains sulpheric acid cool right.
Earth Earth are home planet is the only planet that can support life. Earth is also the only planet that can produce plants and food. Earth is mostly water. This amazing planet is not the last one there much more to see.
Mars Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. Named after roman god of war. Its often described as the red planet. Mars is a terrestrial planet. With a thin atmosphere composed primarily of carbon dioxide.
Jupiter Jupiter is the 5th planet from the sun. Also the biggest planet in the solar system. It is a big planet with a mass 1,000 that of the sun, but two and a half times of all the other planets in the solar system combined.
Saturn Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun and second largest in the solar system after Jupiter. It is a gas giant with an average radius about nine times that on Earth. Saturn is the lest dense planet in the solar system. Also the first astronomers thought its rings were moons. Did you know Saturn has only been visited 4 times be space craft. Saturn is a fun planet an also has 62 moons.
Uranus Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun. It has the third largest planetary radius. Also the fourth largest planetary mass in the solar system. Uranus is not visible to the naked eye but you can see it through a telescope. Uranus is tipped over on its side with an axial tilt of 98 degrees. Its also the first planet discovered by a telescope.
Neptune Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun, and the farthest known planet from the sun in the solar system. It is the fourth largest planet by diameter and third largest in mass. Among the giant planets in the solar system. Neptune is the most dense.
Asteroid belt The asteroid belt is made up of more than 90,000 rocky remains from the formation of the solar system. The Asteroid belt resides within a region of space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
Solar system facts Our solar system also includes gaseous clouds, dust, comets, and more than 170 moons. Cool well did you know are solar system is about five billion years old.
Constellations A simple definition of a constellation is a group of stars which form a pattern in the night sky. There are 88 official constellations. Some constellations are only visible in the northern hemisphere, while others are only visible in the southern hemisphere.
BLACK hOLE Black holes are among the strangest things in the universe. Black Holes have gravity that is so strong that nothing can escape it-not even light. Also there's different kinds of black Holes like the stellar massive Black Holes and the super massive Black Holes. The stellar massive Black Hole is created when massive stars explode, leaving behind a Black Hole.
Dwarf Planets There are five discovered Dwarf Planets there is Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, Eris. Ceres is red, Pluto is blue, Makemake is also blue, Haumea is gray, ERIS is green.
Milky WAy The Milky Way galaxy is a very interesting place. Not only does it measure 100,000 -120,00 light years in diameter, it is home to planet Earth, the birth place of humanity. Our Solar System resides roughly 27,000 light years away from the Galactic center, on the inner edge of one of the spiral-shaped concentrations of gas and dust particles called the Orion arm.
The Red Giants Red Giants are stars that have exhausted the supply of hydrogen in there cores. Red Giants are big red stars that may hold the suns future they are cool and interesting to learn about. Red Giant star is a dying star in the last stage oh evolution. In only a few billion years are own sun will become a Red Giant!!!
Earth vs Sun Earth will not survive in 7 billion years when the Sun becomes a Red Giant because when it becomes a giant star it may become so large that it will engulf Earth, in which case the planet will be destroyed. Even if this doesn’t happen, the sun will expand so far out that the temperatures on Earth will be so high that all the oceans will evaporate away, and there will be no water left on Earth so therefor no life that depends on water will survive. But you don’t have to worry about that till 7 billion years are over.
The Moon The moon comes out at night but sometimes during the day the moon has five phases. The moon is Earths only natural satellite. It is one of the largest natural satellites in the Solar System, and among planetary satellites, the largest relative to the size of its planet it orbits.
Extraterrestrial Beings Lets start with NASA. Three days in the Apollo 11 mission, the crew reported a strange flying object not far from there location. They assumed it was a piece of detached SIV-B rocket. That is until the received a word that it was over 6,000 miles away.
THE END Pictures by: NASA