Activities Class: Orange Date: Spring 2017 Topic: Weather Area:


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Presentation transcript:

Activities Class: Orange Date: Spring 2017 Topic: Weather Area: Language , Literacy and Communication Activities Week 1 Frost Jack frost by Kazuno Kohara, Jack Frost in the Garden Brenda Williams. Making marks in glitter and foil with condensation on. Encourage choice making and communicating preferences for colours and materials. Listening and esponse to Jack Frost story and poems. Week 2&3- Snow Kippers Snowy Day, Penguins –nonfiction, Snowman and Robin, Snow Carol Thompson, Big Bear Little Bear. Shaving foam mark making, fine motor control rolling snowballs and making snowmen using mouldable foam, listening and response to stories, tracking of pictures and from one object to another when offered a choice. Matching games- finding the same glove. Week4&5-Rain Alfie’s Feet, Rain, The Rainy Day. Using rainwords to describe sounds made in music and creating sound poems. Rain story massage. Rhyme work using Incy wincy Spider, Dr Foster and I hear thunder. Making marks with brushes and water on boards or black paper. Week 6 The Weather Monster, Elmers weather. Valentines Day –What Colour is Love. Read and respond to the story joining in to help tell the story using Big Mack. Week 7 Welsh Focus Week, Bore Da book –use Big Mack to join in the story. Reinforce siple welsh words and signs-eg praise, colours, numbers, words to label activitiesand items used in daily routine. Use Dil a Del to stimulate vocalisation, eye-contact and other forms of communication and choice making. Week8&9 Wind One Stormy Night, Use objects and sounds with pupils joining in to help tell the story and create atmosphere. Blown away, Wind- basis for story massage. Reinforce Welsh word for wind wyntog. Encourage children to blow and try moving their mouths –use bubbles. Use fan and outside area-listening to the sounds that the wind creates- howling rustling etc, Rosie’s Hat use a hat and fabric to retell story using outside classroom and areas if possible. The Windy Day. Week10&11 Sun, Sun Carol Thompson, Use sun symbol and sign Sun story massage. Week11&12 Easter read Easter story in simplified form. Use non-fiction books to learn about spring and new life. Mark-making in Easter cards. Welsh language and /Curriculum Cymreig Use Dil a Del to reinforce Welsh language in the activities covered in the topic. Use of Ipads and Big Mac to communicate in Welsh. Any appropriate material on Ngfl site. Community visit to Library for Rhyme Time, sing simple rhymes. Visit to Poppy Café in St Mary’s Church. Castle Encourage puils to describe the weather each day-” Sut mae tywedd heddu?” Encourage pupils to express feelings in response to places – happus triste. ICT and Digital Competency Use fingerpaint and apps to encourage mark-making on Ipad. Use active inspire etc on Interactive whiteboard. Use interactive stories, Oxford Reading tree to encourage listening and ICT skills. Encourage tracking and looking using a range of programs and apps.

Foundation Phase Skills Class: Orange Date: Spring 2017 Topic: Weather Area: Skills Language , Literacy and Communication LNF Skills- Literacy -Reading Shared attention [RfL 40] Purposeful action on everyday environment [RfL 24] Express preference for items not present via symbolic means [RfL 41] Communicates ‘more’/‘no more’ through two different consistent actions [RfL 28] show increased attention to some books, while discarding others- A Steps Seek out ‘representational’ items, e.g. pictures, photos, tactile/flip flap books, etc A Steps Attend with interest as an adult reads a story, look at, touch and manipulate the book at intervals. Asteps Vocalise in response to a particular feature of a familiar story A Steps Numeracy-Data Handling Selects from two or more items [RfL 36] Touch, point to or give an object to indicate an ‘answer’ in a number activity A Steps match a very familiar object to a clear photo of an identical object BSteps Foundation Phase Skills Make themselves understood (using words, gesture sign,eye pointing, BIG MAC Ipad etc) Develop listening skills and respond appropriately. Provide opportunities for children to hear new vocabulary and language and patterns associated with rhyme Show an interest in books and enjoy their content relevant to their stage of development. Experiment with mark-making With support respond to favourite stories and rhymes to include books with sensory elements and repetitive text. To respond to activities and stimulus that support each story or rhyme Makes choices, preferences and rejection of activities to supporting adult ICT and Digital Competance Online behaviours- Attracts attention RfL39 A steps Observes moving animate items online Digital wellbeing – Communicates more/ no more through two consistent actions RfL28 Looks backwards and forwards between two items RfL29 B Steps – show their emotions. State simple likes dislikes. Digital Health- Express preference RfL41 Image and reputation -Express preference for items via symbolic means RfL43 A steps- Look at images Plagiarism A Steps Responds differently to images of familiar people and images. Digital rights and responsibility- RfL15 responds to personal identifier A Steps- Identify image of themselves Online Communities-Deliberately gains attention of another person to satisfy need RfL39 Presenting and Publishing- Shared attention RfL40 A Steps- shows preference for digital content Sourcing/ sending- Selects from 2 or more items A Steps Indicate a preference for digital activity Understanding & processing- Random activities cause effect RfL19 Purposeful action on everyday env. RfL24, Intentional exploration of env. Repeats action when first attempt unsuccessful RfL 31 Problem solving- modifies action when repeating action does not work RfL 38. Tries new strategy when old ones fail RfL42 Modelling & Evaluating- Does different actions in sequence to get reward RfL35 Initiates action to achieve desired effect Data collection A Steps-Explore& match object from choice of 2. B Steps Match identical objects or pictures