Date of download: 9/26/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Anharmonic Phonon Interactions at Interfaces and Contributions to Thermal Boundary Conductance J. Heat Transfer. 2011;133(6):062401-062401-11. doi:10.1115/1.4003549 Figure Legend: DMM, MTM, and HHIM calculations for hK at a Pb/diamond interface using the Sine-type dispersion along with experimental data of measured hK at the Pb/diamond interface and hK at the interface between Pb and hydrogen-terminated diamond (Pb/H/diamond) . The DMM not only underpredicts the experimental data but also does not capture the increasing trend in hK with temperature since it only accounts for two-phonon elastic scattering. The MTM greatly overpredicts the experimental data since all phonons of all frequencies in diamond are assumed to participate in hK, where the underprediction of the HHIM is due to only accounting for one type of inelastic scattering event (i.e., the higher harmonic process). Inset: each higher harmonic contribution to the total hK predicted by the HHIM.