SWCam Instrument software DraftV2 10June2014 science data acquisition housekeeping data acquisition instrument control observatory-controlled system logging laboratory development support engineering access prototyping
science data acquisition rates SWCam 57160 pixels 1029Hz @ optimized scan (T.N.) 50 Ethernet readout lines 100MbE PC(s) switch(s) store 1500Hz detector max 1200 pixels / readout line 32 integer bits per pixel read 58Mb/s / readout line max so the 50 readout lines @ 100MbE (assuming switch technology multiplexes steady flow rather than requiring buffered bursts at higher rates) 10 Gb or 40Gb switches depending on cost (including backups) for adequate tested performance (maximum total 360 MB / sec) 235 MB/s total (scanrate) --> 50% compression --> 118 MB/sec to store All-pixels every second 10 TB / day to store
modular pixel data acquisition software readout lines recv / compress / send PC(s) switch(s) recv / compress / send network attached storage recv / compress / send idle-mode detector data uses one or more modules module parameters number of readout lines which readout lines : camera, subcamera, pixels destination parameters (project specifications)
housekeeping data acquisition SWCam Central PC linear amplifiers refrigeration unit temperature probes store format project specified ? hardware communication channels ? HK data HK DETAILS HK DATA RATES description…
instrument control SWCam SWCam Central PC data acq switch PC(s) science data acquisition control data acq PC(s) switch detector readout calibration refrigeration unit ? ? readout control on same Ethernet cable (MAKO yes) description… ? other hardware communication channels
observatory-controlled system SWCam control PC OCS instrument network Controlled System Agent HK monitor update commands executor description…
logging especially needs more OCS instrument network Controlled System Agent HK monitor update local status/events ASCII log local data acquisition network subsystems status/events description…
laboratory development support SWCam control PC C platform Python PyQt platform (local GUI) Internet (North America) commands interpreter SWCam control custom low-volume protocol, pixel data as required Diagnostics view Detectors view HK view description…
telescope control added to previous slide engineering access OCS script injection SWCam Central PC CCAT network internet (world wide) Python PyQt platform commands interpreter telescope control SWCam control Detectors telescope control added to previous slide Diagnostics HK pixel data compressed, perhaps jpeg or tiff capability
prototypi ng TEST 1 TEST n 1GbE 10GbE RHEL VMs (ccatSWCam) VM hardware loop-back 1Gb Ethernet data generator / readout system RAM resident data switch VM RHEL RAM compression RAM compression 10GbE timing results internal drives -or- network attached store description… description…