Supported employment for people with autism Patricia Howlin July, 2011
Task I Review of literature Main findings i) Autism NOT a rare condition: 1% of population Implications for services in Umbria? ii) At least half of individuals with ASD have IQ in the normal range (70+)
iv. Lack of specialist services for adults with ASD iii. Lack of data on evidence based treatments for adults with ASD (despite major improvements in child intervention research) iv. Lack of specialist services for adults with ASD Recent review: 11,000 studies of ASD estimated in last 10 years Only 23 (0.2%) related to research on services for supporting success in work, education and social participation.
Task 2: facilitator training
London project “Prospects” Intervention based on TEACCH model but focus on individuals of IQ≥ because of lack of any services for this group. Initial phase: identifying employers; jobs to suit the person with autism, not vice versa (took a lot of time and networking with employers already “signed up to employing persons with disability) This one of most expensive phases of the project!
Facilitator roles Job facilitators: highly experienced in work with adults or children with autism Main role: focus on social aspects of the job (in many cases facilitators did not have the job competencies themselves- e.g. high level computing skills) First month: most of time in work place with client 2- 4 months gradual reduction of support time By 6 months contact mainly by phone; occasional visits; more contact if difficulties arise or if client given more responsibility
Prospects: Jobs found from 1995-2003 (Total =203)
Types of job
% of jobs found via Prospects services 65% % of jobs found via regular services 15%
What facilitators need to know:
Barriers to work: “Rigidity” of people with autism Employers: Failure to understand need for consistency and predictability Rigidity of employers/companies/structures Lack of work skills among people with autism Lack of knowledge about autism among employers
Barriers to work: Autism: Difficulties in social understanding Employers: Failure to make explicit/explain social rules
Barriers to work: Autism: failure to understand colleagues Colleagues: Failure to understand autism Autism: over-estimation of own skills Employer: under-estimation of skills of person with autism Autism: anxiety about work Employer: anxiety about autism
Barriers to work: Autism: uneven profile of skills Employer/colleagues: unrealistic expectations
Need: Education (in social, work skills etc) for person with autism Education for all those in the work place
Autism qualities: Attention to detail Honesty Keeps to rules Doesn’t gossip Doesn’t waste time Enjoys routine tasks that others dislike
Questions for SWANS project (Umbria is not London!) How many people with autism? What characteristics? (IQ alone NOT major factor) How many potential employers? What type of job possibilities? How many potential job-coaches? What are their skills? How many hours support can be offered?
Challenges for SWANS Define SPECIFIC and REALISTIC aims of for the project Decide on measures that will assess MEANINGFUL outcomes Must not overestimate what can be achieved in short term underestimate what can be achieved in the longer term