Winter Literacy Mathematics PSHE/RE The World Expressive Arts & Design Reading Read a wide range of stories and poems. The Gruffalos child Jack frost Frozen story Re- tell stories using puppets/masks Writing Write captions for the characters in the Gruffalo Write instructions for making a snowman Use labels to describe the Frozen characters Write signs to help Jack Frost Winter Mathematics Measure- compare lengths of sticks Sequence seasons Count snowflakes and match with numerals Writing numeral to 10/20 Number sentences using Numicon/ objects to 10 Patterns PSHE/RE Exploring friendships and feelings Dressing and undressing independently Dangers of snow and ice. The World Changes –look at how and why ice melts (Artic animals frozen in bags) Winter walk observe signs of Winter Look at cold places and how people and animals keep warm there Expressive Arts & Design Compare cold and warm colours and mix with white to create different shades, paint a Winter scene Make ice Art pots Make a Gruffalo hat/ shadow puppets Walking in the air music Staccato music. 10 little snowmen fat song Physical Development Movement- running and jumping exercises Freeze games- developing awareness of space Dances- perform dances using spikey frosty movements and moving like a polar bear or a penguin.