Spring Term Topic Reception Kent SOUTHFIELD PRIMARY Stay & Play Friday morning Stay for Phonics Tuesday morning Reading Books Collected in every Tuesday and changed on Wednesdays – please ensure reading records are in school everyday and signed. CHILDREN Read, little and often everyday Talk about numbers and spot shapes everywhere you go. Practice phonics What letters are in your name? Can you write any? Take notice of the changes in the environment. Do the trees look the same? Is there frost on the windows? Spring Term Topic Reception Kent Did dragon’s exist? HOW YOU CAN HELP Parents Encourage reading in all shapes and forms, comics, shop signs and bedtime stories Count everything you can, forward, backward and start from unexpected numbers Encourage thinking skills, allow children to find their own way of solving a problem. Encourage curiosity, ask questions yourself and your child will want to find the answer! Encourage mark making in all varieties, pencil chalk, paint… Give your children words and ask them to listen and name the initial sound. Learning Websites www.coolmaths4kids.com www.phonicsplay.co.uk www.mathplayground.com/games www.primarygames.com Teachers Mrs S Kent Student Teacher Miss R Knight T.A Mrs E Parkes Miss C Parnaby
Communication and Language Expressive Arts and Design Read, share, listen to and re-tell a range of traditional fairy tales, dragon poems and stories. Describe what a dragon might look like, where it might live and what it might eat. Generate questions to explore as a point of interest about dragons. Talk about and look for clues to find a dragon. Be a Prince or Princess for the day! Physical Development Begins to form recognisable letters. Uses a pencil and holds it effectively to form recognisable letters, most of which are correctly formed. Experiments with different ways of moving by thinking about how dragons might move of fly. Negotiates space successfully PSED Understands that own actions affect other people. Aware of the boundaries set, and of behavioural expectations in the setting. Explains own knowledge and understanding, and asks appropriate questions of others. Can describe self in positive terms and talk about abilities. Maths Use mathematical language like ‘more than’, ‘less than’ to explore the concept of adding and subtracting. Investigate and practice weighing and estimating skills using dragon eggs. Make shape and number patterns to make crowns and shields. Use mathematical language to describe shape and position. Count and order objects. • Begin to share and double the dragon’s treasure Knowledge of the World Looking at what a dragon or living creatures need to survive. Looking at different types of castles. Expressive Arts and Design Making a collaborative class dragon. •Acting it out in our castle and dragon cave role-play areas. • Drawing a picture of our own imaginary dragon. • Learning and singing the song ‘Puff the Magic Dragon. English – Reading Emerging as readers by listening to the sounds letters and words make. Hears and says the initial sound in words. Can segment the sounds in simple words and blend them together and knows which letters represent some of them. Read as a class ‘The Dragon Machine’ and ‘Puff the Magic Dragon’. English – Writing Write own name Attempt to label pictures with emergent writing Handwriting skills - begin to form some letters correctly. Describe and write about their own dragon. Write about being a Prince or Princess Begin to write and sound out phonetically plausible words. Continue a rhyming string using phonic knowledge to write cvc words