It’s your choice! French or Spanish?
World Languages French Ms. Kostolecki Spanish Mr. Draper Mr. Morreale
Which language is easier to learn? French or Spanish?
Both Languages Use the same alphabet as English, but the • Use the same alphabet as English, but the letters will have different sounds and accentuation. • French: soupe du jour • Spanish: sopa del día • English: soup of the day
Both Languages memorization • Importance of – Vocabulary – Grammar
Small Differences French sentence Spanish is slightly • French sentence • Spanish is slightly structure is easier to pronounce. close to English sentence structure. • Spanish grammar • French grammar increases in difficulty as remains fairly constant you continue to in difficulty as you advance through the continue to advance courses. through the courses.
Comparing Spanish to French is like comparing and • Neither is your native language English. • Each is pronounced differently from English. • Each has different sentence structure from English. Each requires memorization of vocabulary and grammar. •
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Here are the Spanish translations of the French & English words. French = Spanish = pequeño Petite Brunette = moreno Menu = carta Encore = otra vez Table = mesa Voyage = viaje Orange = anaranjado Cuisine = cocina
Where are French and Spanish spoken in our world?
Spanish is spoken predominantly in the western hemisphere.
French is spoken on 5 of the world’s 7 continents.
Comparison maps of the two languages and where they are spoken in the world. S P A N I S H __ F R E N C H
Which languages can I continue to study throughout high school?
French and Spanish courses offered at the high school: • French and Spanish courses offered at the high school: – Level 1B – Level 2 – Level 3 – M.V.C.C. Dual Credit 191/ 192 – M.V.C.C. Dual Credit 201/202
Dual Credit Courses Both French and Spanish are offered for college credit (Dual Credit) through MVCC (Mohawk Valley Community College) in the 11th and 12th grades. You can save money by taking college courses in high school. You earn up to 12 COLLEGE credits while still in high school.
Importance of choice
Courses Available French Spanish French 1A Spanish 1A or or French 1
It’s your choice! French Spanish
We look forward to seeing you in class.