Helping your child with learning their foreign language Helping your child with learning their foreign language. Parents’ Forum Wednesday 21st May 2014
VOCABULARY LEARNING Mini-whiteboard ( back of the diary) Card game ( English on one side / Target Language on the other) The Read / Cover / Write / Check method. Designing a mind map on the different topics. Using Post It notes and stick them around the house. Playing Pictionary Creating a domino game with pictures/ words Linguascope website (username: Fernhill /password: gfs2014)
READING Use of highlighters > key words / cognates / words that can easily be guessed Annotating texts in English Title of the text Use of a bilingual dictionary
WRITING Encourage your child to take their book home Vocabulary book / sheets Linguascope vocabulary sheets Resources on VLE Leve 6 success criteria Example of level 6 work Planning / checklist
SAMlearning (reading / listening) GU1FS Username: 240201TR Password: 240201TR
LISTENING Linguascope Voki Babbel YouTube (learn123tutorials)
KS4 Homework / Revision
GCSE 30% Speaking 30% Writing 20% Listening 20% Reading Themes: Lifestyle: health / social issues Leisure: sports / hobbies / holidays Home and Environment : area / town / environment Work and Education 30% Speaking 30% Writing 20% Listening 20% Reading
LISTENING Linguascope Intermediate YouTube clips / films EXTRA French / German / Spanish Smartphones App: Babbel (free) / AQA (£1.49) GCSE bitesize French / Spanish / German catch up TV French / Spanish / German music / radio
VOCABULARY - Yellow vocabulary book - AQA vocabulary book - Linguascope - SAMlearning - VLE
WRITING - AQA booklets ( grade descriptors) - Planning / checklist - Examples of A* work - Vocabulary books Dictionary Writing mats
SPEAKING Encourage your child: to practise their sentences with their cue card. to read out loud. to record themselves and listen to themselves. to listen to their teacher’s recording