Memory Mr. Tang Chin To, Eric mailto:// ICTO Department Tak Sun Secondary School This powerpoint is freely to be used if this page is included
Acknowledgement Some material are taken from: Journey of computer and information technology, volume 1, Raymond Tong and Rebecca Cheung. ISBN: 962-8779-53-2 Reference Web Site:
Main Memory: P142 2 types of memory RAM: ROM: Random Access Memory (RAM) Read-Only Memory (ROM) RAM: RAM is volatile. Store temporary data ROM: ROM is non-volatile. Store permanent programs
Usage of ROM Chipset on the motherborad Pre-recorded program ROM
Type of ROM ROM EPROM Write once, non-erasable Erasable Programmable ROM Can be rewritten.
Main Memory: P142 Type types of RAM Dynamic RAM Static RAM Dynamic RAM (DRAM) Static RAM (SRAM) Dynamic RAM Like a rechargeable battery Every read, discharging the battery, need to recharge. Even you do not read, it will discharge! Need to recharge periodically. Slow. Static RAM Like a light bulb No discharging Relatively Fast
Usage of RAM DRAM Used in motherboard SRAM Inside CPU register
Case study:Intel Pentium 4 400Mhz 256MB DDR 400 P4 2.8GC North Bridge Intel i865PE 256MB DDR 400 800Mhz X14 400Mhz South Bridge ICH5/ICH5R PCI Bus 8 port USB 2.0 SATA 150/2 Physical Clock = 200 Mhz Low speed: e.g. USB: 12Mbps
Front Side Bus (FSB) Connecting CPU and Memory Bus connecting CPU and Memory Current speed (MHz): 66, 100, 133, 266, 400, 533, 800 The above speed is not a physical clock speed! Only a data transfer speed!
Internal CPU speed Internal CPU Speed = Physical Clock Speed x Multiplier 166x2 = 333 MHz 133x4 = 533 MHz 133x10 = 1.33 GHz 200x14 = 2.8GHz
SDRAM (66Mhz, PC100, PC133) 168-pin DIMM 64 bits data bus Speed = Physical Clock Speed 2 notches
DDR Speed PC2100 = 266 (clock = 133 Mhz) PC2400 = 300 PC2700 = 333
DDR (400,333,266,200) 184-pin DIMM 64 pin data bus Speed = 2x Physical Clock Speed To use, you must Motherboard support DDR-enable chipset 1 notch
Operating System Basic:P161 System Program 1st programm loaded Kernel: Main part of the OS Provide services (such as how to ask the computer to draw a point on the screen) to application program. Talk more about it later…
How Computer Functioning:P157 Booting up a machine CPU works with BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) BIOS is a EPROM BIOS: program to startup devices on the motherboard. BIOS: controlling the hardware on the motherboard.
How Computer Functioning:P157 Running program instruction Instruction from secondary storage -> RAM CPU get instruction from RAM Decode instruction by CPU Instruction put into ALU Calculate Results are put back to RAM or Register for next step Next instruction get from RAM Branching may occurred.
Where is the BIOS?