The street art between love and war BANKSY The street art between love and war
WHAT BANKSY USES FOR HIS GRAFFITI AND THE MESSAGE HE WANTS TO CONVEY HIS CHILDHOOD Banksy is an English graffiti writer and nobody knows his real name since he has to keep his identity because graffiti is illegal. Banksy is thought to be from Bristol; he started doing graffiti when he was an unhappy 14 years old schooolboy: he didn’t like school and he was expelled, and he also found life difficult at home. Graffiti made him feel better about himself; it gave him a voice! WHAT BANKSY USES FOR HIS GRAFFITI AND THE MESSAGE HE WANTS TO CONVEY Banksy started using stencils as part of his artwork because he wasn’t very good with a spray can, and he likes to work to have real artistic quality; it’s also quicker to use stencils, which is important if you don’t want to be caught. He is now Britain’s most famous graffiti artist, though he insist that fame should never be the purpose of an artist’s work. Banksy’s stencils include striking images, sometimes with slogans and his tag, “Banksy”. His message is usually anti-war, anti-capitalist or anti-establishment. He finds amusing and original ways of expressing his views.
BANKSY AND THE POPULAR ADVERTISING AND ICONS Banksy also paints his own versions of famous works of art. He once put up a picture of the Mona Lisa with a yellow smiley face in the Louvre in by Paris; he has added closed-circuit tv cameras to a landscape by the English painter John Constable. He takes what’s already there in the street and turns it into something unexpected. He uses popular advertising icons to make people think about how powerful modern companies are. Of course, some of these companies would like to have him on their side and use his work in their advertisements, but he has refused. A CHOICE OF BANSKY’S WORKS GUY HOLDING FLOWERS CISGIORDANIA’S FREE WALL BALOON GIRL FUCK RUDE COP
The subject of graffiti, a young man, seems to be involved a collision: wearing a handkerchief to cover his face and stands ready to load though, armed with a bouquet of flowers intead of a Molotov cocktail. The original work in black and white is of 2003 and it is located in Jerusalem, on the wall of a private building. Guy holding flowers
Cisgiordania’s free wall Banksy went undercover in Gaza made a series of provocative graffiti and a mini-documentary that want to reflect the entire world. This work represents two kids who work to cancel the wall, and behind the wall we can see an island with palm trees.
The girl with the baloon is one of the most famous works of Banksy, who created it in London in 2002. The work is a little girl who escapes a baloon shaped like a heart; a sign reads «There’s always hope», isn’t far by this work. Baloon girl
Fuck rude cop Banksy made this graffiti in 2004, and it represents a police-man caught in the act of making an unpleseant gesture aimed at those who observes the work form in front; this graffiti has a predominantly provocative meaning.