SOGI-inclusive Education Implementation Sexual orientation and gender identity” (SOGI) is a term used by the BC Human Rights Code to describe an area of prohibited discrimination. It is an inclusive term that encompasses all individuals regardless of where they identify on the sexual orientation or gender identity spectrums, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit, heterosexual and cisgender. #sogi123 #sogi123 District SOGI Model District SOGI Lead Raises awareness of SOGI issues, develops district-wide initiatives and supports School Leads in their district to develop and implement SOGI initiatives at the school level. SOGI School Lead Raises awareness of SOGI issues and develops and implements SOGI policies and initiatives in their school. The SOGI School Lead also responds to SOGI questions and issues within their school. This proven SOGI model for school districts includes two roles: District SOGI Lead – This role operates at the district level. The purpose of the role is build a team of SOGI School Leads in schools across the district. District SOGI Coordinators from nine school districts are working with ARC Foundation to prioritize SOGI-inclusive tools and resources over the 2016-17 school year. SOGI School Lead – The SOGI School Lead role builds capacity at the school level. We know that schools will be in different places on their SOGI journey and we want to support them in creating their own customized goals using central tools. is a key central tool that was just launched alongside the SOGI 1 2 3 campaign… (links to next slide) #sogi123
LGBTQ-INCLUSIVE EDUCATION IS AS SIMPLE AS SOGI 1 2 3. HOME1.POLICIES2.ENVIRONMENTS3.CURRICULUM+LINKS HOME 1. POLICIES 2. ENVIRONMENTS 3.CURRICULUM +LINKS LGBTQ-INCLUSIVE EDUCATION IS AS SIMPLE AS SOGI 1 2 3. Making SOGI tools and resources easy to access and easy to share. This is the homepage of SOGI 1 2 3 is a collaborative campaign led by ARC Foundation and includes community leaders focused on LGBTQ-inclusive education; BC Ministry of Education, BC Teachers Federation, UBC Faculty of Education, Out in Schools, all nine of the school districts participating today and other local, national and international LGBTQ community organizations. shares ready-to-use SOGI-inclusive tools and resources. Content is created by educators for educators. #sogi123 #sogi123 HOME1.POLICIES2.ENVIRONMENTS3.CURRICULUM+LINKS HOME 1. POLICIES 2. ENVIRONMENTS 3.CURRICULUM +LINKS SOGI 1 POLICIES & PROCEDURES This is the homepage of SOGI 1 2 3 is a collaborative campaign led by ARC Foundation and includes community leaders focused on LGBTQ-inclusive education; BC Ministry of Education, BC Teachers Federation, UBC Faculty of Education, Out in Schools, all nine of the school districts participating today and other local, national and international LGBTQ community organizations. shares ready-to-use SOGI-inclusive tools and resources. Content is created by educators for educators. #sogi123
INCLUSIVE ENVIRONMENTS HOME1.POLICIES2.ENVIRONMENTS3.CURRICULUM+LINKS HOME 1. POLICIES 2. ENVIRONMENTS 3.CURRICULUM +LINKS SOGI 2 INCLUSIVE ENVIRONMENTS This is the homepage of SOGI 1 2 3 is a collaborative campaign led by ARC Foundation and includes community leaders focused on LGBTQ-inclusive education; BC Ministry of Education, BC Teachers Federation, UBC Faculty of Education, Out in Schools, all nine of the school districts participating today and other local, national and international LGBTQ community organizations. shares ready-to-use SOGI-inclusive tools and resources. Content is created by educators for educators. #sogi123 #sogi123 HOME1.POLICIES2.ENVIRONMENTS3.CURRICULUM+LINKS HOME 1. POLICIES 2. ENVIRONMENTS 3.CURRICULUM +LINKS SOGI 3 CURRICULUM RESOURCES This is the homepage of SOGI 1 2 3 is a collaborative campaign led by ARC Foundation and includes community leaders focused on LGBTQ-inclusive education; BC Ministry of Education, BC Teachers Federation, UBC Faculty of Education, Out in Schools, all nine of the school districts participating today and other local, national and international LGBTQ community organizations. shares ready-to-use SOGI-inclusive tools and resources. Content is created by educators for educators. #sogi123
TO RELATED PROGRAMS AND SERVICES HOME1.POLICIES2.ENVIRONMENTS3.CURRICULUM+LINKS HOME 1. POLICIES 2. ENVIRONMENTS 3.CURRICULUM +LINKS LINKS TO RELATED PROGRAMS AND SERVICES This is the homepage of SOGI 1 2 3 is a collaborative campaign led by ARC Foundation and includes community leaders focused on LGBTQ-inclusive education; BC Ministry of Education, BC Teachers Federation, UBC Faculty of Education, Out in Schools, all nine of the school districts participating today and other local, national and international LGBTQ community organizations. shares ready-to-use SOGI-inclusive tools and resources. Content is created by educators for educators. #sogi123 #sogi123 There are three key areas SOGI-inclusive educators have been focused on to support every student. SOGI 1: Policies and Procedures - The key components of effective SOGI-inclusive policies and procedures SOGI 2: Inclusive Environments - Practices and behaviours that lead to SOGI-inclusive learning environments SOGI 3: Curriculum Resources - SOGI-inclusive lesson plans that align with the current K-12 curriculum This is a screenshot from the website, and the Learn More buttons take you through to the content in each section. #sogi123 #sogi123 SOGI Resources ‘The Light’ – a powerful music video by HollySiz Child and Youth Mental Health in British Columbia: Concrete Actions for Systemic Change (2016) “Sexual and gender minority youth are now identified as a vulnerable population requiring special attention” Every Class in Every School National Climate Survey, Egale (2011) “64% of LGBTQ students feel unsafe at school” Canadian Trans Youth Health Survey (2015) “Nearly two-thirds of trans youth turned to self-harm in the past year and more than 1 in 3 have attempted suicide” The Every Teacher Project on LGBTQ Inclusive Education in Canada’s K-12 Schools, Egale (2016) “85% of educators approve of LGBTQ-inclusive education” #sogi123