Implementing a Social Model of Disability Approach to Service Delivery Heather Mole Does anyone need a digital version (USB) or large print copy of the slides?
Access Services Advisor Introduction Heather Mole Access Services Advisor
Overview Overview of social model of disability Overview of Universal Design approach Presentation of research and findings Group work/discussion around the shift
Models of disability Medical Model Person-focused, their problem, need to be fixed/cured by ‘experts’ Social Model Society-focused, the person with an impairment is disabled by society (no curb cuts), only paper copy (no digital version)
Accommodation Approach Access is a problem for the individual Access is achieved through accommodations and/or retrofitting Access is retroactive Access is specialized Access is consumable Adapted from AHEAD Universal Design Initiative Team (2004)
Universal Design (UD) “ The design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design.” The Center for Universal Design, 1997
Accommodation Approach Universal Design Approach Access is a problem for the individual Access is achieved through accommodations and/or retrofitting Access is retroactive Access is specialized Access is consumable Universal Design Approach Access is a problem stemming from the environment The system/environment is designed, to the greatest extent possible, to be usable by all Access is proactive Access is inclusive Access is sustainable Adapted from AHEAD Universal Design Initiative Team (2004)
Research Questions Changing from one model to another – a success? Is the whole institution involved? Are service providers seeing their roles change? Is Universal Design part of the change? How is it related? What does the social model of disability approach look like? What are the main issues and considerations? What are the challenges and successes?
Emerging Themes Changing language and changing concepts Becoming a collaborator Becoming an expert Decentralizing Documenting disability Faculty endorsement Funding Student Consultation
Recommendations Education about disability studies, the social model, inclusive education and user-led organizations. Education about the concept of Universal Design to become experts and resource centres. Involve the students. Build networks with faculty, teaching support services, administration, facilities staff and information technology services.
Recommendations Review literature and publications, the language used when communicating with stakeholders and registration documentation guidelines. Wherever possible, UD should be presented as one tool for the implementation of the social model and not the sole solution.
Questions & Discussion Heather Mole –