Over 50 Manifesto References to Food and Drink. Manifesto Commitments and the Scottish Programme for Government ‘We want Scotland to be a Good Food Nation.’ ‘There have already been significant achievements in food policy since the first national strategy in 2008, with significant increases in economic performance and the emergence of the local food agenda.’ ‘Scotland’s food and drink industry has experienced impressive growth in recent years’ Over 50 Manifesto References to Food and Drink. The Manifesto Commitment and Scottish Programme for Government The Manifesto Commitment and Scottish Programme for Government
References to Food and Drink Take forward, in partnership with industry and public sector, the recommendations of the Overton Report on deepening collaboration across the food and drink sector; Work with the Scotland Food and Drink partnership to develop a refreshed food and drink industry strategy for Scotland; Introduce a Good Food Nation Bill to draw together all aspects of work– including food standards, public procurement and food waste Set up £5 million fund to promote Island and Regional food and drink Revisit health and nutrition legislative framework for school meals to ensure children have more access to healthy, Scottish produce within and outside the school gates Review school food regulations to make sure all primary school children have access to at least 5 of their ‘5 a Day’ each day through school meals or healthy snacks Bring forward new strategy on diet and obesity to reinforce co-ordinated action on the promotion of unhealthy foods Reduce food waste by one third by 2025. The Manifesto Commitment and Scottish Programme for Government The Manifesto Commitment and Scottish Programme for Government
Manifesto Commitment and Scottish Programme for Government SNAP SHOT Fresh Fish 100% of Fresh Fish sourced by all Local Authorities and NHS Boards was sourced from Scottish farms or ports. (Fresh Fish was not sourced by all Local Authorities or NHS Boards) Milk 100% of Milk sourced by all Local Authorities and NHS was sourced from Scottish farms Eggs 7/31 Local Authorities sourced all eggs from Scotland 23/31 Local Authorities sourced all eggs from elsewhere in the UK (NHS Scotland only purchase pasteurised eggs and therefore no trace was undertaken) Note - Fresh Meat There is an uplift of 210% since Jan-Dec’13 for QMS assured Campbell’s Prime Meat through the Scotland Excel framework.
NEW STANDARDS SCHOOLS SECTOR HOSPITAL SECTOR UNIVERSITIES ALL SECTORS Schools (Health Promotion and Nutrition) Act, 2007; The Nutritional Requirements for Food and Drink in Schools Regulations 2008; Better Eating Better Learning – a new context for school food, 2014; Beyond the School Gates, 2014; Healthy Eating in Schools Supplementary guidance for children and young people with additional support needs; Setting the Table – Early Years; HOSPITAL SECTOR Healthyliving Award and Healthyliving Award Plus; Food in Hospitals - National Catering and Nutrition Specification for Food and Fluid Provision in Hospitals in Scotland The Healthcare Retail Standard UNIVERSITIES Green Gown Awards; Healthy living Award ALL SECTORS The Food for Life Catering Mark/Food Served Here
INVESTMENT School Meals Delivery Hungry for Success £137 m 2003-2009 Annually investment of over £150 million to provide school meals with additional sums on capital investment in equipment, maintenance and infrastructure. From 2015 a further £35 million annually has been allocated to deliver free school meals to P1-3; Supported by additional capital funding of £25 million to all 32 local councils. Hospitals Meal Delivery Spending on catering to £84.9 million £1.75 Million to improve nutritional care
Manifesto Commitment and Scottish Programme for Government INNOVATION Schools North Ayrshire Food for Life Gold Standard East Ayrshire Dumfries and Galloway
Manifesto Commitment and Scottish Programme for Government The POWER OF PROCUREMENT UN Rapporteur on the Right to Food. Olivier De Schutter ‘Particularly in times of economic downturn ...costs are often seen as a major obstacle to making public [food] procurement schemes more consistent with right to food strategies… ‘However, certain [food] costs associated with public procurement should be treated as investments, rather than merely as expenses; and once their multiplier effects on the local economy and their positive social and environmental impacts are taken into account, they may in fact be seen as favourable to, rather than a liability for, healthy public budgets.’