Diversity and Inclusion Education Academic Support, Advocacy, and Retention Student leadership development community building Cultural Education Religious Life LGBT Resource Center Campus climate Connect with us!
Vision Through the development of strategic partnerships, innovative programs, and life long relationships, the MSSC fosters the development of a university experience that prepares GW students for success in an increasingly diverse and global society.
History: MultiCultural Centers Congressman Kenneth Adams The Adam’s States Office of Civil Rights The Adams Order “Eliminate the present day effect of past discrimination.” The 60’s, From a Local Movement to Nationwide Change 49 Years
Connecting Students with Cultural Education Programs: Sept 15-Oct 15 Latino/Hispanic Heritage October LGBT National Coming Out Week October Bi-Racial Awareness Week November Native Indian Heritage Month February Black History Month March Women’s History Month March South Asian Heritage April Asian & Pac. Islander Heritage
Connecting Students with Signature MSSC Programs: September Interfaith Dinner September 9-11 Vigil October White House Interfaith Initiative September Multicultural Community Welcome Series November Giving Thanks for Diversity January Civil Rights Tour “a Trip to Selma” January Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration January Interfaith Service Initiative May Interfaith Baccalaureate
Connecting Students with Community Building Programs: June C I – House Party August Institute for Citizen Leaders August M/C Leadership Retreat September Block Party November A Diverse Thanksgiving Oct, Dec, March, May Late Night Study Zone March Culturally Focused Alternative Spring Break May MSSC Graduation Celebration
Connecting Students with Diversity & Inclusion Workshops and Training: CQ - Cultural Intelligence Campus Conversations on Race Diversity 101 Speak Up GW – Responding to Bias Statements Safe Zones – Become and LGBT Ally Transgender 101 Understanding Religious Life on Campus Diversity and Leadership Religious Diversity Diversity Graduation Stole and Certificate We teach,train and support hundreds of students annually: Here are a few of the groups we have worked with recently: PAF CI Cabinet Admissions VIP Admissions Stars Admissions Staff CSE House Staff Health and Wellness Staff Study Abroad Staff Student Association Executive Committee Kyung University Students Ghandi Day of Service Group Multi cultural leaders retreat
Office of Religious Life Connect with us!
Vision At the core of faith lies the concept of the Inner Light. In every human being there is an element of spirit and divine energy. That of goodness in everyone , in John 1:9: "the true light, which lighteth everyone that cometh into the world". The inner light discerns between good and evil revealing the presence of both in humans, its guidance offers the alternative of choice. The inner light opens the unity of all human beings to a consciousness, that the potential for good, as well as evil, are latent in everyone. Find your light…
Religious Life & Interfaith Programs Faith-Based Student Organization Support Dedicated Meeting Space Resource Center Listserve Newsletter Religious Diversity and Interfaith Programming Cultural, Signature, and Community Building Programs Partnership with the Religion Department & Local Faith Leaders
Connect with us!
Vision: The George Washington University Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Resource Center provides a comprehensive range of education, support and advocacy services to create and maintain an open, safe and inclusive campus environment. The LGBTQIA Resource Center welcomes a diversity of racial, ethnic, religious, political and cultural values and is committed to enhancing acceptance and quality of life for the entire GW community.
MSSC Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Resource Center (LGBTQIA) Speakers Bureau Mentor Program Resource Library Gender Inclusive Bathroom Project LGBTQIA and Sexuality Studies Minor Community Service Allied in Pride Student Organization LGBTQIA Alumni Association ( LGBT students speak in academic classes) (LGBT staff/faculty mentors for LGBT students) (part of Women’s Studies) (partnering with Center for Civic Engagement) (hundreds of LGBT-themed books and DVD’s)
Student’s Connect in: “The Building - 2127 G Street ”
The MSSC Building, Where Students Find their: “Niche / Friends / Program Info / Resources / Coach / Cool Factor / Peace / Zen / No Swag Oasis Model Extended Operating Hours Almost 24 - 7 49 Years on G Street Diversity Dialogue Lowest Cost Copying Student Org Space MSSC E-Newsletter Cultural Resource Info Academic Resources Cultural Competency Study & TV Lounge The CENTER is A Fundamental component of student retention: We have one of the highest levels of connectedness with our students on campus. We have been called the most effective community builder on campus. Oasis Model Stand Alone Facility Student Centered hours of operation Student Centered Values Student Organization Oriented Street Level Facility Welcoming Imagery
“Your home away from home”
We Believe: THE MSSC, it is more than just a building! In “where are you from….and where are you from from?” Illuminating diversity…in the university! It’s a beautiful day on “G” Street! Don’t be a stranger, more importantly…… don’t be strange. Enthuuuuuuusiasm! Every student belongs
The MSSC - 2127 G mssc@gwu.edu www.mssc.gwu.edu @gwmssc 202-994-MSSC https://www.facebook.com/GWMSSC 202-994-MSSC Religious Life room 304 LGBT Resource Center room 103 http://mssc.gwu.edu/LGBT E-mail us at lgbt@gwu.edu
Welcome to GW and our Nations Capital: Questions?