Emerging issues in the world of walkability


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Presentation transcript:

Emerging issues in the world of walkability Ben Rossiter, Executive Officer

What we will cover Reflections on the past year Victoria Walks news Issues coming up

Health benefits of active travel Analysis of VISTA (Victorian Integrated Survey of Travel and Activity). Sufficient physical activity through transport was achieved by 33.3% of inner city dwellers 23.5% in inner suburbs 15.4% in middle suburbs 9.5% in the outer suburbs. Getting outer suburbs walking at inner city levels could save up to 900 lives and $35 million per annum. ‘Incidental physical activity in Melbourne, Australia: health and economic impacts of mode of transport and suburban location’, Beavis M and Moodie M, Health Promotion Journal of Australia Volume 25 Number 3 2014.

New infrastructure and physical activity Evaluation of three new walking and cycling connections: traffic-free bridges at Cardiff Bay and Kenilworth; and boardwalk in Southampton. Before & after surveys of 1500 people within 5km of project. Those living 1 km away increased W&C by 45 mins relative to those living 4 km away 85% of people used for walking for recreation 39% for recreation cycling, 31% for transport walking 18% for transport cycling. ‘New Walking and Cycling Routes and Increased Physical Activity: One- and 2-Year Findings From the UK iConnect Study’, Goodman et al. American Journal of Public Health 2014, Vol 104, No. 9.

Claiming the Health Dividend (UK) "...the economic justification for investments to facilitate cycling and walking had previously been under-rated or even ignored." Global review of 16 active travel projects (UK Dept of Transport ) Provided excellent value for money. Mean benefit cost ratio (BCR) of 6.28:1 (note 4:1 is high) Photo: Sustrans Claiming the Health Dividend: A summary and discussion of value for money estimates from studies of investment in walking and cycling David D, 2014, Department of transport (UK).

Walking and creativity “Walking had a large effect on creativity. Most of the participants benefited from walking compared with sitting, and the average increase in creative output was around 60%.” Oppezzo M & Schwartz D, ‘Give Your Ideas Some Legs: The Positive Effect of Walking on Creative Thinking’ Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition’ American Psychological Association 2014, Vol. 40, No. 4.

Foot Traffic Foot Traffic Ahead 30 largest US cities 6 cities with ‘high walkable urbanism’ had 38% average higher GDP than 10 cities with low walkable urbanism More college gradu­ates over 25 years Higher land values and rents in walkable areas (exc. NY), average 44% premium. Walkability Premium Walkable urban office space have 74% higher rents over drivable suburban areas. Foot Traffic Ahead: Ranking Walkable Urbanism in America’s Largest Metros George Washington University School of Business 2014 ‘The Walkability Premium in Commercial Real Estate Investments’ Pivo G & Fisher D Real Estate Economics Vol 39, Issue 2, 2011

Young people in Vic. Decline of the car? “There are clear and sizeable downward trends in license ownership rates amongst most ages, with most dropping by around 12% over 13 years”. Source: http://chartingtransport.com (Chris Loader)

Source: http://chartingtransport.com/

Pedestrian crashes as of 20 March 2015 Over the last year, 50 killed – 39% increase   In 2014, at least 19 of 44 killed were aged over 60 So far in 2015, 12 killed (6 same time last year)    4 of 12 were over 80 & driver fault? TAC survey: peds 60+ at fault in 12%*. * Nieuwesteeg, M, McIntyre, A. (2010) Exploring the pedestrian crash problem from the perspective of injured pedestrians. 2010 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2010, Canberra.

Seniors and walking (Age-friendly Victoria) Age-friendly road safety and older pedestrians’ safety strategies (demo project). Value PPNs (Delivering pedestrian safety seminars on walking….)

TAC LGA Grants Small scale infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians Safe System focused $1 million per annum Area wide or route based

Some of our work Safer Road Design for Older Pedestrians

Social media Walking & walkability

New Government Active Transport Victoria ($3.3m, start 2016/17) Safer Cyclists and Pedestrians Fund ($100m over 6 years)

Active transport: a tripping hazard for walkable design?

Active Transport can Offer strength in numbers Provide an overarching policy structure Work when modes clearly separated Highlight the health impacts & costs of transport.

But, it tends to: Be driven by cycling advocacy cycling advocacy more established Have more of a cycling focus $ for cycling, words for walking Treat walkers as amorphous cyclists have different competency levels Use language of sharing, compromise & greatest need Overlook the ‘walking dependent’.

Active (cycling) transport

Australian vision for Active Transport Good recommendations (slow speed, behaviour change, policy & planning, fund local government etc) $40b National Bike Paths. Report by ALGA, Bus Industry, Cycling Promotion Fund, Heart Foundation, International Assoc of PT

Australian government Good general background “Despite the importance of walking, it is often overlooked as a mode of transport.” But often focuses on cycling more than walking

National discussions Major Cities Unit + Infrastructure Australia National meeting in 2011 (54 people) bureaucrats academics consultants NGOs including 6 bike & no walking

Top solutions to addressing AT barriers Behaviour change and education ‘Normalise’ bikes as a transport option Develop networks around PT and activity centres Signalling priority Improve end‐of‐trip facilities [bikes?] Land use planning Total of 20 solutions: 6 obviously bike specific 0 walking

State example “While the Walking and Cycling for Active Transport Strategy focuses on cycling as a form of transport, an improved transport system will also benefit those who walk and cycle for recreation and pleasure.” Build for cycling benefits walking

Where is the walking?

A capital city example Some good actions Some good words Appears to take walking and cycling seriously

Quick scan of actions Listed Achievements (pre strategy):   Walking specific Cycling specific Walking & cycling Unclear Actions 1 9 16 Many ‘shared path’ related Listed Achievements (pre strategy): $100 million invested in new bikeway infrastructure More people walking and cycling Certainly distance its a factor

Standing on our own two feet Walking and cycling are related, but not the same  Address separately, but opportunities to collaborate (e.g. speed) More sophisticated when separated (e.g. PPN).

A successful ATV Level of autonomy Walking for transport and planning expertise Dedicated pedestrian funding stream (50%) Policy development & review legislation Input into planning processes Fund demonstration projects Minimal shared paths