Farrah Kitabi and Vivien Ma September 2016 Managing year end Farrah Kitabi and Vivien Ma September 2016 FK to intro session FK profile PD profile
Aims for session Action plan for year end accounts preparation Advice on smooth year end process How to manage your auditors PD - Ask for intros . FK - Practical guidance on how to manage the year end and the audit –we will provide you with an action plan and key tips from our own experience that might help you. We want it to interactive, so please do share and experiences with us and the rest of the group.
Initial questions What challenges do you face with the year end audit? Discuss and share! FK – to open out question for discussion to groups for 10 mins FK and PD to start with their one key challenge and then others to say who they are and what their key challenge FK to say not delegating enough PD - to talk about an experience a client has faced? Then get feedback from the audience – PD to write on flipcharts FK to say that we will come back to these at the end to see if fulfilled.
Project Management What is the project Producing an audited set of accounts within a set timetable Why should it be project managed? In order to meet deadlines Manage audit fees To make process manageable To produce a quality document flipchart.
Three key components Planning Resourcing To do list FK to talk about this
Planning Establishing a timetable Learning from experience Planning with the auditors PD – to talk through how to put together an overall timetable – What are the key dates that drive the process? Throw question out to audience Ask them to come up with stages/deadlines and then think about timing – draw up a list and timeline on FK to build up audience’s suggestions on flipchart PD to ask what order things should be in FK to talk about learning from experience and from other colleagues/talking to the auditors Learning from experience interim – No interim fist year and then very time pressured unnecessarily, worked it in for second year Planning with the auditors - Dev Co FK to share some insights Having more input into timetable Work through audit doc list with auditors at planning meeting FK to look back at challenges and see what has been addressed in this section
Who else should be involved Other departments within charity Trustees SMT Marketing/communications Fundraising Buildings/facilities HR/payroll Grants team Other budget holders FK to ask who else needs to be involved and why - discuss for 5 mins and then feedback in 10 mins FK to mention info needed from other budget holders – accruals etc – catch all email to all staff
Who else should involved? Third parties Actuaries Payroll bureau Bankers Legal advisors Investment advisors Extra resource?
Engaging staff outside of finance Basic finance training and updates with budget holders Presenting annual report to staff Having FAQs FK to cover this off FK to share experiences FK – to summarise how these have been covered and FK and MB to share experiences on how to engage other staff e.g.- training sessions ,other training throughout the year, showing an interest in their area attending meetings FK – FAQs, annual report sessions, feedback with staff What are your experiences with those outside of finance BREAK 15 mins
Detailed task list Do you already have a plan and how does it work? FK to talk through - Key to success is being organised – work through detailed task list and how this is built up. What other things to think about for your charity: Branch returns Overseas maybe? Commercial sales
Key tips Automated e.g. excel Complete period end procedures Delegate Audit yourself Engage other staff Clear tasks, clear deadlines, clear persons responsible Learning from experience FK to say that we have covered project management, of which the key components are: Planning Resourcing Task list So we have put together a list of our key things to think about under each area, so have a read through - 5 mins This is a summary of our key tips from this document.
Managing the audit and auditors PD to talk through: Try and have one point of contact to funnel queries through Be honest on where you are with audit/accounts – help you manage fees Don’t be afraid to tell the auditors want to work e.g. summaries each day, face to face catch ups No surprises – inform the auditors of key issues, problems throughout the year Add your relevant planning issues to the meeting agenda Go through books and records list Timing of audit test Be clear on deadline and try and keep to them Make sure other staff are available during audit weeks Feel free to question and understand audit procedures – e.g. Farrah to mention FA example Any other ideas for better ways of working with auditors
Summary Think of it as a project: Plan properly Work out what resources you need Engagement with rest of the organisation Detailed to do list Continue improving each year FK to talk about original agenda and talk through what audience noted from expectations at the start
Contact Farrah Kitabi Farrah.Kitabi@sayervincent.co.uk Vivien Ma Vivien.Ma@sayervincent.co.uk 0207 841 6360