DRAFT Slides for Discussion - Standards, Reports and Recommendations


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Presentation transcript:

DRAFT Slides for Discussion - Standards, Reports and Recommendations G5/4 Review Group DRAFT Slides for Discussion - Standards, Reports and Recommendations

Standards, Reports and Recommendations ~67% of CENELEC European Norms (ENs) identical to IEC European countries dominate IEC and as a result many IEC standards can easily be adopted as CENELEC ENs without any additions (about two thirds of CENELEC ENs are identical to IEC, a further 8% have some modification). There are no requirements for BSi to adopt IEC standards however there is a requirement for ENs to be adopted. When adopted the ENs are published as BS ENs and are identical to the originals. IEC and CENELEC run a parallel voting scheme which operates on documents that are identified at an early stage as being suitable. All ENs become British Standards

Standards, Reports and Recommendations Compliance with European Norms (EN) is mandatory Compliance with IEC Technical Reports and Standards is not mandatory But can be stipulated in a bilateral agreement For the Transmission System in Great Britain, the Grid Code refers to the Planning and Compatibility Levels in G5/4 For Distribution Networks, the Distribution Code states that the harmonic content of a load shall comply with the G5/4-1 limits

Grid Code Connection Conditions 6.1.5(Voltage Waveform Quality): “(a) Harmonic Content The Electromagnetic Compatibility Levels for harmonic distortion on the Onshore Transmission System from all sources under both Planned Outage and fault outage conditions, (unless abnormal conditions prevail) shall comply with the levels shown in the tables of Appendix A of Engineering Recommendation G5/4. The Electromagnetic Compatibility Levels for harmonic distortion on an Offshore Transmission System will be defined in relevant Bilateral Agreements. Engineering Recommendation G5/4 contains planning criteria which NGET will apply to the connection of non-linear Load to the National Electricity Transmission System, which may result in harmonic emission limits being specified for these Loads in the relevant Bilateral Agreement. The application of the planning criteria will take into account the position of existing and prospective Users’ Plant and Apparatus in relation to harmonic emissions. Users must ensure that connection of distorting loads to their User Systems do not cause any harmonic emission limits specified in the Bilateral Agreement, or where no such limits are specified, the relevant planning levels specified in Engineering Recommendation G5/4 to be exceeded.”

Distribution Code DPC4.2.3 Voltage Disturbances and Harmonic Distortion “(b) The harmonic content of a load shall comply with the limits set out in DGD, Item 1 Engineering Recommendation G5/4-1,”Planning levels for harmonic voltage distortion and the connection of non-linear equipment to transmission and distribution systems in the United Kingdom.”

Standards, Reports and Recommendations The main documents the G5/4 Review Group needs to consider are BS EN 61000-2-2:2002 “Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public low-voltage power supply systems” BS EN 61000-2-12:2003 ‘’ Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public medium-voltage power supply systems” IEC TR 61000-3-6:2008 “Assessment of emission limits for the connection of distorting loads to MV, HV and EHV power systems” BS EN 50160:2010 “Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public electricity networks “ G5/4-1 “Planning Levels for harmonic Voltage Distortion and the Connection of Non-Linear Equipment to Transmission Systems and Distribution Networks in the United Kingdom”

Standards, Reports and Recommendations BS EN 61000-2-2 (LV) & 2-12(MV) IEC TR 61000-3-6 (MV,HV & EHV) BS EN 50160:2010 (LV & MV) G5/4-1 Voltage Levels LV and 1kv<=Un<=35kv 35kv<=Un<=230kv & Un>230kv LV and 1kv<=Un<=150kv LV,11,22,33,66,132,275 & 400KV Defined Compatibility Levels YES BS EN 61000- 2-12 levels apply @ MV only Defined Planning Levels NO Harmonic order up to and included 50th up to and included 25th

Harmonics beyond 50th harmonics & CIGRE update There is no standard or guidance document that indicates requirement to limit harmonics beyond 50th apart from BS EN 61000-2-12:2003 which suggests limits(0.2%) up to 35kV. CIGRE advisory group has agreed that work is required on ‘guidance’ document Timescales have not been agreed G5/4 review group could consider The requirement for limits above the 50th Need for Timescales Appropriate means for developing criteria