December 5 - 9, 2016 Literacy This week, we are focusing on the genre of poetry. We will begin by reviewing the genres of fiction and fables to make sure the leaners are retaining the previous genres we have studied. When looking at poetry, we will study rhyme scheme (the way the words rhyme), alliteration ( when most words start with the same sound), and figurative and literal language (ex: it’s raining cats and dogs). The learners will be assigned a poem to practice at home Monday night. They will share their poem with the class on Tuesday and Wednesday. This will help us work on fluent reading. Science We are continuing our study of the Food Guide Pyramid, along with how to eat a healthy, balanced diet. The learners will have an assessment over healthful eating this week. We will then move on to learning about the human body. Our biggest focus in 2nd grade is that the learners understand that our bodies are made up of cells, cells make tissue, and organs are made out of tissue. Math This week we are reviewing concepts that we have encountered throughout the school year. We are still focusing on estimation, as well. I have noticed some of our leaners struggling with taking a problem written horizontally 56+28 and writing it vertically. 156 +28 They are not lining their digits up correctly. They are putting the 28 under the hundreds and tens instead of the tens and ones. Please practice this at home with your child. December 5 – Language MAP Test December 6 – Math MAP Test December 8 – Field Trip to BG OnStage and Mellow Mushroom December 9 – Literacy MAP Test December 13 – Crazy Christmas Program @ 6:00 December 14 – Beta Fun Day December 15 – Field Trip to SKyPAC and CiCi’s Pizza Seeing the giving hearts of our students as they begin to bring in their stocking-stuffers!