Mrs O’Leary – M, T, W Mrs Tucker – TH, F Mrs Hughes – All week


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Presentation transcript:

Mrs O’Leary – M, T, W Mrs Tucker – TH, F Mrs Hughes – All week Foxes Class Mrs O’Leary – M, T, W Mrs Tucker – TH, F Mrs Hughes – All week

Morning Routine Drinks, PE bags and now book bags in lockers and coats on coat pegs. Children will have different activities to do each morning so it’s important that they settle quickly. Please try to change reading books at the end of the day not in the morning. Please encourage children to put money/letters etc. into the Foxes post box in the autumn term so they can do it in spring/summer independently.

Topic/English Our topic for this term is Africa! ‘Talk for Writing’ approach. – Immerse, Imitate, Innovate, Invent! This term our chosen stories are Handa’s Surprise and Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain. They will be learning how to structure a story using TFW and begin to change some parts of the story. Punctuation and Grammar is a key aspect of the curriculum, so the children will be learning lots of new terminology and how to use it correctly in their writing. Non-chronological report about Africa, instructions for making a rain maker and becoming familiar with lots of poetry based on our topic. Spellings – Year 1 - will be individual cards - based on their phonics Year 2 – children ready for phase 6 will move on to different spelling patterns e.g. adding suffixes/pre-fixes etc with Mrs Stone. Tested every Monday.

Maths In Maths, during the autumn term the year 1 children will be continuing to work on counting, ordering and writing numbers to100. They will be learning about place value, odd and even numbers, addition and subtraction and naming 2D and 3D shapes. Throughout the year they will move on to multiplication and division and continue to develop their problem solving techniques. This term year 2 children will be recapping numbers, place value and then focus on addition and subtraction, inverse and less/greater than. They will then move on to understanding statistics, multiplication and division, written methods, time and money throughout the year. Times tables - Children will practise times tables in school as part of mental maths, however please help your children learn these key facts even in year 1 – they are extremely important to their overall progress in Maths. The children who are ready to be tested will be tested every other Wednesday morning. Please note children are now expected to be able to instantly recall their, 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables by the end of year 2 (randomly). Year 1’s need to be able to count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.

Swimming Children will be going swimming at Blackbrook on a Thursday. We will be leaving by coach at 2pm and returning at 3.30pm. Parent helpers needed please  Please sign up on the relevant sheet. Please can children with long hair have it in a bun or wear a swimming cap!

Information Other subjects will link to each topic. Each termly newsletter will update you as to what our topic is. Please bring in any story/non-fiction books relating to this topic if your children have any. READING – please read with your children as much as possible as it is an important part of their learning (Active learn/School reading books). Reading logs will get checked every Wednesday and house points awarded. Parents/carers/Older siblings must sign. The children will be bringing home a “share with me English Book” which will help children to learn story maps and poems. PE – Mondays and Wednesdays – children need to come wearing their PE kits on a Monday and take it home on a Friday. Please feel free to ask for an update of your child’s progress throughout the year or if you have any concerns that you would like to raise. Please inform us if your child is going home with another family or family member. Homework – every Friday and needs to be back by the following Wednesday