Opportunity and achievement for all
Opportunity and achievement for all Aims of the Evening Share key dates/events in Year 11 How to achieve full potential English specific advice Maths specific advice Support systems in School School - home communication To keep you ‘in the loop!’ Opportunity and achievement for all
Dates Student review 1 30th October Yr 11 reports 23rd November Sixth Form Open Evening 18th October Year 11 mock exams w/b 11th December and 3rd - 5th January Student review 2 15th January Year 11 mock results 19th January Parents’ evening 25th January Student review 3 5th March External GCSE exams start 14th May Last exam 22nd June
Opportunity and achievement for all 24 weeks to go! We have 24 weeks in school before the first external exam We have 151 school days left in school for Year 11 Opportunity and achievement for all
What is the recipe for success? Outstanding record at GCSE and A level Students who were ‘bright’ at primary school did not necessarily do best Students who succeeded were the ones who worked hard, attended regularly and showed resilience Opportunity and achievement for all
Early revision is essential ZMC: Important revision not left until the last minute. Revisiting topics again and again increases memory of them. Opportunity and achievement for all
Opportunity and achievement for all Mindset: Praise Praise and reward effort above everything Promote independent reading Keep talking about the future (teenagers are very ‘here and now’) During student review weeks discuss what’s going well and what isn’t… Opportunity and achievement for all
Opportunity and achievement for all Mindset: Aspiration Look towards the final goal now Better GCSEs lead to more and better options (if you have no idea what you want to do!) We have a careers advisor and Unifrog to help Carrots are better than sticks….. Opportunity and achievement for all
Opportunity and achievement for all BOOKLET Key dates FAQ around new 1-9 gradings Tips for parents Tips for students Ways to manage stress Specific information for each GCSE (exam board, resources and websites) Opportunity and achievement for all
GCSE Grades are Changing
AQA English Language and AQA English Literature GCSE English Language Paper 1: 5th June 1 hr 45 mins – 4 reading questions on a fictional text and a written task of a description or story English Language Paper 2: 8th June (1hrs 45 minutes – 4 reading questions on 2 non fiction texts and a non fiction written task where you give a viewpoint) Literature Paper 1: 22nd May (1hr 45 minutes) Romeo and Juliet and A Christmas Carol Literature Paper 2: 25th May. 2 hr 15 minutes. An Inspector Calls, Poetry Anthology (a selection of pre studied poems) and unseen poetry Opportunity and achievement for all
AQA English Language and AQA English Literature GCSE Pupils have already: Studied both Language Paper 1 and Language Paper 2 and sat a mock exam on each (January and June) Studied a selection of unseen poetry. Studied Romeo and Juliet and A Christmas Carol and completed mock assessments on these texts (Jan and June) Been given a poetry anthology homework booklet that should have completed over the summer holidays and some writing tasks too. Completed their spoken language presentation (a required component but not part of their grade) Opportunity and achievement for all
English: What will they be doing in Year 11? Autumn term Studying An Inspector Calls and the poetry anthology. Revisiting Language Paper 2 reading questions and writing skills Sitting a mock exam in January on Language Paper 2 and Literature Paper 2. Spring term Revising Romeo and Juliet and A Christmas Carol Revisiting Language Paper 1 reading questions and writing skills Sitting mock exams in March on Language Paper 1 and Lit Paper 1 Revisiting unseen poetry Summer term Revision for all exams End of May / start of June - exams Opportunity and achievement for all
English: Expectations That pupils work hard to achieve (or exceed) their target grade, completing all homework and classwork on time. That they take responsibility for their progress and learning – engaging with texts, skills and tasks as well as acting on targets, challenge tasks and feedback given both by teacher assessment and peer assessment. That pupils prepare fully for mock exams That pupils speak to their teacher if they have any concerns about their progress or understanding in order to reach a solution together. That pupils take advantage of opportunities outside of time tabled lessons to improve their skills and understanding.. Opportunity and achievement for all
Opportunity and achievement for all English: Support Throughout Year 11, there will be opportunities for pupils to benefit from additional support. -Revision sessions for an hour every Thursday after school beginning first week in October. -Google classroom – where resources, reminders and tips are shared. Pupils will receive a code to access this. -Additional booster / revision sessions throughout that pupils will be invited to. -KS4 homework club every Tuesday lunchtime in E3 where pupils can receive help with classwork or complete quiet independent revision -The opportunity to purchase revision guides -Revision materials supplied by the department. Opportunity and achievement for all
English: What should pupils be doing at home? Homework Revision for mock and real exams Re reading the texts Reading about the texts Making use of the google classroom Reading a range of non fiction (articles, newspapers etc) Using recommended internet sites to improve punctuation and grammar Practise writing short stories, articles, letters, speeches. descriptions Learning spellings / new vocabulary Opportunity and achievement for all
Invitation code: 4rac65
Opportunity and achievement for all Maths: OCR GCSE J560 Graded 9-1, where 9 is the highest grade 5 is considered a ‘strong pass’, which can be achieved at Higher or Foundation tier Students will sit 3 papers; 2 calculator and 1 non- calculator. Each paper is out of 100 marks and is an hour and a half long. The mock exam in January is crucial- it is the students’ first opportunity to sit papers in strict exam conditions. PCB RHA to check Opportunity and achievement for all
Opportunity and achievement for all Maths: OCR GCSE J560 The Maths Curriculum is split into 3 strands: Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving. The new Maths GCSE has a much bigger focus on the Reasoning and Problem Solving strands. We need all students to have a ‘never give up’ attitude to succeed with these type of questions. Opportunity and achievement for all
Opportunity and achievement for all Maths: Support There are many opportunities for pupils to get support with Maths: A lunchtime Maths Surgery every Tuesday Pupils can work either with a teacher or on the computer. Usually optional Curriculum Leader drop-in every Friday (starts 15th September in room M4) Pupils can drop-in for help with their Maths. Optional Timetabled sessions with our specialist Intervention TA Focussed, personalised support. Compulsory Opportunity and achievement for all
Opportunity and achievement for all Maths: Support There are many opportunities for pupils to get support with Maths: After school intervention and revision on a Tuesday Small group work with a specialist teacher. Compulsory This support in particular has been extremely successful so we ask that students attend when requested. Opportunity and achievement for all
Opportunity and achievement for all Hegarty Maths All students have a login for the website. Over 600 tasks to complete on every aspect of the Maths GCSE. There is a help video accompanying each task, produced by Colin Hegarty, UK teacher of the year 2015. The website also generates and updates a ‘Fix Up 5’ assessment which focuses on the weaknesses of the individual. Excellent for independent revision and study Opportunity and achievement for all
Opportunity and achievement for all Maths: Expectations We have very high expectations of our pupils and expect that they: Attend all intervention sessions or revision classes as required Put in 100% effort in all lessons and intervention sessions Ask for help and support as soon as they need it Be fully equipped for all lessons including a SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR (£7.50 from the Maths Department in either black, blue or pink!) Opportunity and achievement for all
Opportunity and achievement for all Attendance School target 96% Year 11 is a really important year Please inform school via absence line Medical reason for longer than three days need to be evidenced by doctors note SJN Opportunity and achievement for all
Impact of attendance on GCSE outcomes Impact on your achievement % attendance Opportunity and achievement for all
Help? Opportunity and achievement for all 3. Controlled Assessment / Exam Support and Sanctions 1. ELC and Library 2. On-line resources 7. Student Mentoring / Intervention 4. Support forms 5. Academic panels / meetings 6. Student Tracking Opportunity and achievement for all
SAM Learning
‘Summer Timetable’
Opportunity and achievement for all Communication Contact details in the booklet www.horsforthschool.org; Twitter; @horsforthschool Facebook; and Email (addresses on web-site). Opportunity and achievement for all
E-learning Please come up to the ELC to find out more about: Hegarty Maths Sam Learning GCSE pod Unifrog