GCSE English Language and GCSE English Literature Year 9 Parents Information Evening Sue Thornton, Head of English Rachel Brennan, 2nd in English Sarah Harley, acting 2nd in English Melissa Bowes, acting 3rd in English Sarah Johnson, acting 4th in English 20th September 2016 The Outwood Grange Family of Schools 1
Results 2016 GCSE English A*-C 89% 2 The Outwood Grange Family of Schools 2
The course leads to two GCSEs GCSE English Language GCSE English Literature + Both will be awarded on the new 9-1 scale The Outwood Grange Family of Schools 3
The Outwood Grange Family of Schools 4
Class numbers do not always reflect the ability of the group Year 9 Core English (Language and Literature) 5hrs pw = full course Class numbers do not always reflect the ability of the group The Outwood Grange Family of Schools 5
Course content GCSE English Language GCSE English Literature Component 1 20th Century Literature Reading 20% Creative Prose Writing 20% Component 2 19th and 21st Century Non-fiction Reading 30% Transactional or Persuasive Writing 30% Component 3 Spoken Language – non-examined assessment Component 1 Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet 20% Poetry from 1789 to the present day 20% Component 2 Post 1914 Prose/Drama – An Inspector Calls 20% 19th Century Prose – A Christmas Carol 20% Unseen Poetry from the 20th and 21st Century 20% The Outwood Grange Family of Schools 6
Course content Year 9 Year 10 Of Mice and Men (Language 1A skills) Non-fiction reading (Language 2A) An Inspector Calls (Literature 2A) Heroes (Language 1A skills) Transactional writing (Language 2B) Unseen Poetry (Literature 2C) Post-1789 Poetry (Literature 1B) Creative Writing (Language 1B) Romeo and Juliet (Literature 1A) Transactional Writing (Language 2B) A Christmas Carol (Literature 2B) Post-1789 Poetry (Literature 1B) Creative Writing (Language 1B) Exam Preparation Plan (10 weeks) The Outwood Grange Family of Schools 7
Option English as a ‘bolt on’ lesson – year 10 only One to one or small group tuition Support from home Student After-academy enrichment and support The Outwood Grange Family of Schools 8
Writing is usually the tricky one – and one where support at home can make all the difference The Outwood Grange Family of Schools 9
The key writing messages PACS 4-ideas-and-a-spare Topic sentence + development Link phrase ACCURACY The Outwood Grange Family of Schools 10
Write an article recommending a place to visit for all the family This is probably a grade 3 (old D grade) The Outwood Grange Family of Schools 11
Write an article recommending a place to visit for all the family This is probably a grade 5 example The Outwood Grange Family of Schools 12
Write an article recommending a place to visit for all the family This is probably a grade 8 (or possibly 9) example The Outwood Grange Family of Schools 13
Use look-cover-write-check five times Useful strategies for learning spellings – page 140 of the student planner Use look-cover-write-check five times Pronounce the word as it is spelled, e.g. bus-i-ness Use rhymes, sayings or phrases to remember difficult parts of words, e.g. there’s a rat in separate The Outwood Grange Family of Schools 14
Accurate writing is important Not just for exams, although that is very important Accurate writing is important for job applications Accurate writing is important for writing to customers or clients Accurate writing is important for being taken seriously in letters of request or complaint It is a vital life skill that will make you stand out from others The Outwood Grange Family of Schools 15
Supporting your child at home Use the writing pack Regular spelling tests (use the student planner) Literacy pages in the student planner Purchase English Literature texts and study guides GCSE Bitesize English Literature revision pages The Outwood Grange Family of Schools 16