Baptist Women Sunday WE BELIEVE IN DIGNITY
for vulnerable women and children WE BELIEVE IN DIGNITY for vulnerable women and children around the world so we’ve given over $2 million to global mission since 2000
WE BELIEVE IN DIGNITY for Indigenous women so we show our support through grants, conferences and advocacy
so we’ve joined others to advocate against human trafficking and porn WE BELIEVE IN DIGNITY for the exploited so we’ve joined others to advocate against human trafficking and porn
WE BELIEVE IN DIGNITY for the courageous so we give grants to ministries like rEcess . . . a respite program for disabled kids and their families
WE BELIEVE IN DIGNITY for the courageous Farmtown Canada House of Refuge, Qwa Qwa, South Africa so we give grants to ministries that support girls and teens at risk
WE BELIEVE IN DIGNITY for the courageous so we give grants to ministries that support refugees | newcomers to Canada
WE BELIEVE IN DIGNITY created in God’s image gifted in the Spirit for all women because we are . . . created in God’s image gifted in the Spirit called by God an essential part of the Church
we strengthen that dignity WE BELIEVE IN DIGNITY we strengthen that dignity . . . through authentic intimate connection with God
WE BELIEVE IN DIGNITY blogs Bible studies conferences live magazine so we offer resources blogs Bible studies conferences live magazine retreats online devotionals online guided reflections
CANADIAN BAPTIST WOMEN OF ONTARIO AND QUEBEC facilitating authentic experience of God and intimate connection to mission
CONTACT US TO LEARN MORE E-LINK (monthly newsletter) Canadian Baptist Women of Ontario and Quebec (group) @cbwoq
make a difference today Baptist Women Sunday make a difference today