Olympians vs. Titans
The Titans were the only Greek gods were Egyptian gods were thirteen immortal brothers and sisters were a mortal family
According to the legend about the birth of the Titans, Gaia and Uranus were the parents of the Titans Uranus loved all of his children Uranus ate all of his children the Titans were the children of Rhea and Cronus
Zeus was the father of Cronus was angered when Prometheus tricked him was the father of Prometheus gave mankind fire
Clash of the Gods video series http://www.history.com/shows/clash-of-the-gods
Greek Gods and Goddess videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJCm8W5RZes
Which Greek God or Goddess Are YOU? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOtrue5nEd8