Cleaning Mode Startup Mode Spray Mode Maintenance Mode Standby Mode OFF
Startup Mode If: Power button is held for 3 seconds Enter cleaning mode Loop check for battery fault Loop check for tilt fault Loop check for heater fault Upper LED and Lower LED are off Middle LEDs are on pulsing white Main chamber and reservoir heater set to 120F Sipper heater set to 120F If: No fault modes and… Level sensor reads half or full continuously for 40 seconds or… Level sensor changes state Enter maintenance mode
Cleaning Mode If battery > 50% full: If from Startup Mode: Spray enabled Top LED is off, Middle LEDs are blue with slow pulse, bottom LED is off Set Reservoir and Sipper heaters to 120F Main heater set to 0F Start timer Loop check for heater fault Loop check timer If battery < 50% full (cleaning battery fault) Top LED is off, middle LEDs are red, lower LED is off If from Startup Mode: Power button is held for 3 seconds, Enter cleaning mode if: timer > 20 minutes, or… Cleaning battery fault, and timer >3 seconds Enter maintenance mode If from Maintenance Mode: Power button is held for 3 seconds, Enter cleaning mode
Maintenance Mode If from startup mode: no fault modes and… level sensor reads full continuously for 40 seconds or… level sensor reads half Enter maintenance mode If from cleaning mode: Timer > 20 minutes, or… Cleaning battery fault, and timer >3 seconds Enter maintenance mode If: No faults, and… Spray trigger is pressed Enter spray mode Loop check for battery fault Loop check for tilt fault Loop check for level fault Loop check cap fault Loop check for heater fault Sipper and main heaters set to 120F Reservoir heater set to 90F Start timer Loop check timer If no faults, all LEDs are on white If: Power button is held for 3 seconds, Enter cleaning mode If from standby mode: Accelerometer senses motion in any direction for more than 0.5 second Enter maintenance mode If: system is motionless for >15 seconds Enter standby mode
Standby Mode If from maintenance mode: Accelerometer senses motion in any direction for more than 0.5 second Enter maintenance mode If from maintenance mode: system is motionless for >15 seconds Enter standby mode Loop check for battery fault Loop check for heater fault Sipper heater set to 0F Reservoir heater set to 90F Main heater set to 0F Start timer Loop check timer If: Timer = 30 min Shutdown
Spray Mode In spray mode: Loop check for battery fault Loop check for tilt fault Loop check for level fault Loop check cap fault Loop check for heater fault Sipper, and main heaters set to 120F Reservoir heater set to 120F Turn on front illumination LED Turn on pump Turn on solenoid with delay When trigger released, turn off pump, then solenoid with delay and enter maintenance mode If no faults, all LEDs are on white If: Trigger is released Enter maintenance mode If from maintenance mode: No faults, and… Spray trigger is pressed Enter spray mode
Fault Loops all fault loops run within their current mode unless explicitly stated, entering and exiting a fault loop does not change the mode that the device is in fault loops include tilt fault (maintenance and spray modes) level fault (maintenance, spray, and cleaning modes) butter stick depleted (universal) battery fault (universal) cleaning battery fault (cleaning mode) heater fault (universal)
Tilt Fault Level Fault Butter Stick Depleted if device leans past unacceptable angle, then TILT FAULT == true: set fluid valve solenoid to OFF set pump to OFF do not change heaters from the mode that you are in upper LED is white, middle LEDs are red (rapid blink), bottom LED is off Level Fault if Level sensor reads empty then LEVEL FAULT == true: set top LED to off, middle LEDs to slow pulse white, bottom LED to off set fluid valve solenoid to OFF (released) set pump to OFF don’t change the heaters from the mode they are in Butter Stick Depleted if level sensor reads empty for > 30 seconds, then butter stick is depleted set top LED to red, middle LEDs to off, bottom LED to off
Cleaning Battery Fault if battery is < 12.5V top LED is off, middle LEDs are off, bottom LED is red set fluid valve solenoid to OFF (released) stop pump turn all heaters off (override heater rotation of current mode) Display LEDs for 10 seconds and then shut down Cleaning Battery Fault if battery is insufficient to enter cleaning mode; upper LED is off, middle bottom LED is off, bottom LED is red Display LEDs for 3 seconds and then enter maintenance mode Heater fault if any heater is on and the thermistor reading has not changed for 5 seconds, or if the thermistor reading is ever >160F or <25F then HEATER FAULT == true: Shutdown device
Appendix: Level Sensor