INSARAG Governance Team Leaders Meeting
Objective of Workshop To discuss the role of the INSARAG Team Leaders within the INSARAG Governance structure.
Rationale: Steering Group has developed an options paper in relation to the Governance structure of the INSARAG. Consideration of how the outputs from WGs are utilised? What constitutes the INSARAG minimum standards?
What is your expectation of the Secretariat within the governance structure?
Do we need to separate policy from technical guidance? What is the role of the TLs in the development, production and approval of INSARAG documents? Does the IEC/R handbook become the operational minimum standard? What is the relationship between a technical guidance note and examples of best practice? What is the change process for INSARAG operational standards?
What is the role of the TLs in the decision making process? Terms of Reference Organisational structure and membership. Chairmanship and selection process. Ex Officio membership of the Secretariat Frequency of meetings and locations. Decision making processes.
Standards Steering Group FCSS Working Group Secretariat Regional Group Africa/ Europe / Middle East Americas Regional Group Asia/ Pacific Team Leaders Ad – Hoc Working Group FCSS Secretariat Standards
Steering Group Working Group FCSS Secretariat Regional Group Africa/ Europe / Middle East Americas Regional Group Asia/ Pacific Team Leaders Ad – Hoc Working Group FCSS Secretariat Operational Working Group Medical Working Group Training Working Group
What is the composition of the Working Groups? TOR Representation of the groups (regionally, classified/not classified, Subject Matter Expertise) Term of office Selection criteria Chairmanship and how appointed Ex Officio membership of the Secretariat Frequency of meetings and locations
Policy Issues Operational Issues Steering Group/ Secretariat Decide Recommend Team Leaders Subsidiary Bodies