Rafael Ceschin Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Department of Radiology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC Rafael.Ceschin@pitt.edu 412-692-5510
1. Using advanced MR Imaging techniques for biomarker discovery and treatment in pediatric brain tumors Diffusion Weighted Imaging as a marker for tumor progression in immunotherapy clinical trials
2. Applying state of the art machine learning methods for automated diagnosis and characterization of brain structure malformations using MRI Automated brain substructure segmentation Deep learning for pathology classification
3. Developing infrastructure for an imaging data commons with the goal of system wide accessibility to data anonymizing, processing, and sharing. Infrastructure for multi-site imaging research Database for imaging data storage and sharing
Recent Publications [1] A. D. Furtado, R. Ceschin, S. Blüml, G. Mason, R. I. Jakacki, H. Okada, I. F. Pollack, and A. Panigrahy, “Neuroimaging of Peptide-based Vaccine Therapy in Pediatric Brain Tumors,” Neuroimaging Clin. N. Am., vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 155–166, Feb. 2017. [2] N. Paquette, J. Shi, Y. Wang, Y. Lao, R. Ceschin, M. D. Nelson, A. Panigrahy, and N. Lepore, “Ventricular shape and relative position abnormalities in preterm neonates,” NeuroImage Clin., vol. 15, pp. 483–493, 2017. [3] A. Panigrahy, V. Lee, R. Ceschin, G. Zuccoli, N. Beluk, O. Khalifa, J. K. Votava-Smith, M. DeBrunner, R. Munoz, Y. Domnina, V. Morell, P. Wearden, J. Sanchez De Toledo, W. Devine, M. Zahid, and C. W. Lo, “Brain Dysplasia Associated with Ciliary Dysfunction in Infants with Congenital Heart Disease.,” J. Pediatr., Aug. 2016. [4] R. Ceschin, B. F. Kurland, S. R. Abberbock, B. M. Ellingson, H. Okada, R. I. Jakacki, I. F. Pollack, and A. Panigrahy, “Parametric Response Mapping of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient as an Imaging Biomarker to Distinguish Pseudoprogression from True Tumor Progression in Peptide-Based Vaccine Therapy for Pediatric Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma.,” AJNR. Am. J. Neuroradiol., Sep. 2015. [5] R. Ceschin, V. K. Lee, V. Schmithorst, and A. Panigrahy, “Regional vulnerability of longitudinal cortical association connectivity: Associated with structural network topology alterations in preterm children with cerebral palsy.,” NeuroImage. Clin., vol. 9, pp. 322–37, Jan. 2015. [6] L. B. Paquette, J. K. Votava-Smith, R. Ceschin, A. C. Nagasunder, H. A. Jackson, S. Blüml, J. L. Wisnowski, and A. Panigrahy, “Abnormal Development of Thalamic Microstructure in Premature Neonates with Congenital Heart Disease.,” Pediatr. Cardiol., Jan. 2015. [7] J. L. Wisnowski, R. C. Ceschin, S. Y. Choi, V. J. Schmithorst, M. J. Painter, M. D. Nelson, S. Blüml, and A. Panigrahy, “Reduced thalamic volume in preterm infants is associated with abnormal white matter metabolism independent of injury.,” Neuroradiology, Feb. 2015. [8] R. Ceschin, A. Panigrahy, and V. Gopalakrishnan, “Sfdm: Open-source software for temporal analysis and visualization of brain tumor diffusion mr using serial functional diffusion mapping,” Cancer Inform., vol. 14, pp. 1–9, 2015. [9] R. Ceschin, J. L. Wisnowski, S. G. Erberich, L. B. Paquette, M. D. Nelson, S. Blüml, and A. Panigrahy, “Developmental synergy between thalamic structure and interhemispheric connectivity in the visual system of preterm infants,” NeuroImage Clin., vol. 8, pp. 462–472, Jan. 2015.