KCTCS Board of Regents Update September 16, 2016
Sem PLAN COMPONENTS Overarching vision of enrollment Environmental scan Enrollment goals/Key enrollment indicators Strategies and tactics – best practices Marketing and recruitment Retention and success Assessment plans SEM Plan Components
SYSTEM OFFICE Leadership, Support and Service SYSTEM OFFICE LEADERSHIP, SUPPORT & SERVICE PLT Engagement Student Engagement & Recruitment Outbound Campaigns Express Enrollment Week Faculty Engagement & Capacity Building Follow-Up Support Calls Tactical Engagement Team
Financial Aid/Student Accounts Campaigns Recruitment SUMMER Outbound campaign Enrollment Campaigns Start Date End Date Live or Agentless Past term applicants not enrolled 6/2/2016 6/21/2016 Live Agent Outstanding checklist items to enroll 6/4/2016 6/27/2016 ISIR received but no EMPL ID 6/9/2016 6/23/2016 Received ACT scores not applied 6/16/2016 6/30/2016 Aid awarded not registered 6/14/2016 6/31/2016 Enrolled in spring not in fall 6/18/2016 7/1/2016 Admitted not registered Financial Aid/Student Accounts Campaigns Start Date End Date Live or Agentless Students registered with Financial Aid outstanding checklist items 7/1/16 7/7/2016 Live Agent Student Accounts outstanding – need to make to a payment 8/10/2016 Agentless * Note: This does not include the special “Enrollment Week Campaign” conducted separately by Blackboard.
Recruitment SUMMER Outbound campaign 100% 27,564 Total Attempted Calls Observations 86% 23,686 Connects 27,564 Total calls attempted during campaigns to reach the 18,980 leads. 86% of multiple attempts connected successfully to a person or a voicemail. 29% Real Person Connect, no voicemails. (Advisor spoke to an actual person of the 86% connects) 5% of leads (1,254) students agreed to take action based on the campaign request. Students enrolled in approximately 13,400 credit hours. Tuition revenue generated $2,091,492 * Dates June 2- July 4, 2016 29% 7,936 Real Person Connects 12% 3,194 Live Student Conversations – non 3rd party 5% 1,254 Re/Enrolling at KCTCS Student Target Audiences- Outstanding Checklist Items for ARR, Past Term Applicants, Aid Awarded, Enrolled in Spring 2016, Students with FA outstanding list items, ISIR Received, Admitted Not Enrolled, Received ACT Scores But Not Applied
Recruitment EXPRESS ENROLLMENT INITIATIVE KCTCS and Blackboard (BbSS)Engagement DATES: July 18-22 Contacted up to 30,000 applied not registered (Radius) Identify potential student interests in attending KCTCS Encourage students to attend the event Survey those no longer interested in attending
Recruitment EXPRESS ENROLLMENT Outcomes 100% 28,860 Total Attempted Calls 87% 25,010 Connects Observations 50,761 Total calls attempted during campaigns to reach the leads. (1.8 attempts per lead) 87% of multiple attempts connected successfully to a person or a voicemail. 21% Real Person Connect, no voicemails. (Advisor spoke to an actual person of the 87% connects) 11% (3,110) of students to took action based on the campaign request. Students enrolled in approximately 17,930 credit hours. Tuition revenue generated $2,940,448 * Dates July 18- July 22, 2016 21% 6,018 Real Person Connects 11% 3,110 EE Week Event Registration 6% 1,734 Re/Enrolling at KCTCS
FACULTY & STAFF Engagement Follow-Up Support calls Weekly PLT Enrollment Monitoring Call Peer-to-peer SEM leads information sharing Elaborated on best practices Reviewed enrollment data (headcount and FTE) Best recruitment practices Strategies used to engage & retain students Improve student communications
Moving Forward to November 1st Census Date What’s NEXT? Moving Forward to November 1st Census Date
Short Term Retention Strategies Ongoing ‘Starfish’ software retention training Infuse Starfish into: virtual training advising and training Handbook FYE teaching materials Realign the Starfish Training sessions for the Tech Summits, with the theme “What’s in it for me”- This will provide faculty and staff a better understanding of the software tool and as a result faculty and staff will be more actively engaged. Create a Starfish Training Handbook- This will help in the engagement and participation of new and adjunct faculty. Create Starfish Virtual Trainings - to be housed in Bb Learn. This will help in the engagement and participation of adjunct faculty. Create FYE teaching materials- these will be developed from now through Fall 2017. To increase student engagement within Starfish. Civitas Illume Students Enables colleges to quickly identify at-risk students Allowing colleges to connect at-risk students with college services Co-Requisite Models Each KCTCS College is piloting co-requisite courses that that embed supplemental instruction in credit-bearing courses to allow students to complete gateway courses during their first semester. This model appears to significantly increase retention and completion numbers Plans are to expand the use of the co-requisite model in the upcoming semesters