State of School Lafayette Elementary May 2017
English Language Arts Built a framework for literacy that includes Phonemic Awareness Phonics Vocabulary Comprehension Fluency Responding in Writing Developed a tutoring program with accountability Bought classroom library sets (300 books per grade level)
Walk to math Formed a math committee of teachers, parents and administration to review and evaluate walk to math, best practices in teaching mathematics, etc. Recommendation made to staff and community for next year around this and advanced learners K and 5th grade will not walk Grades 1-4 will wallk All AL students in math will be tested using the end of the year tests for the next year. If they score at least 75% they have the option to move up one year in math. An example of this: A first grade who is AL will take the end of the year 2nd grade math test. If they get at least 75% on the test, they will have the option in 2nd grade to walk up one year to 3rd grade math.
School Culture Creating a school environment conducive to learning Implementing school-wide learning expectations Creating opportunities for student voice in decision making Setting expectations for staff Developing PLC model and collaboration Secured funding for a garden focus Curriculum mapping using the NGSS
Guiding Principles Observe Have an open door policy for students, staff and parents Be a listener and collaborate Build relationships with all constituents Community partnerships Leveraging resources Grant writing Have a vision for all learners
The world belongs to those who create.
Science Alignment of resources to Next Generation Science Standards Integration of resources (science kits, garden program, etc.) Opportunities for students to be scientists and approach curriculum from inquiry and project-based Green team
What is NGSS?
Technology Authentic integration of technology use in the classroom Practice skills for homework using technology to meet individual needs in literacy and math Alignment to NCSS Technology beyond devices
Reflection How much time does my child consume technology versus create with technology?
What does this mean for your child? How do you create something someone wants? How much do we read on the internet compared to a book? How many letters have you written versus how many emails you wrote this past month? What does this mean for your child?
Engineering Students creative area to build structures Greenhouse and garden design Building of water system Alignment to NGSS Introduction to robotics
Arts Current art program Aligning enrichment to create opportunities for exploration into other areas of the arts to include but limited to dance, music, theater, etc 4th and 5th grade play Student led yearbook club
Mathematics Revise Walk to Math to ensure all students receive instruction in their grade level standards Alignment to Common Core Framework for Math Instruction Advanced Learners have opportunity to walk up a grade level (Fairmount Park model) Grades 1-4 walk Mr. Ngobi teaches all 5th graders math
Acceleration for all students Goals: Continue building a collaborative, flourishing, and engaged community of learners, parents, and staff Implement integrated curriculum mapping using New Generation Science Standards Embrace technology Acceleration for all students Professional Development Instructional Improvement Culture and Community Weekly 75 mins Action Research Professional Learning Communities ELA, Math, and RULER Use of data in planning Collaboration with Neighborhood schools End of year findings and assessments Goal Setting Formal Observations Information observations throughout the year RULER with Self-Managers Robust PTA Calendar Strengthen relationships Align enrichment activities during the day and after school
May – August 2017 September 2017 – May 2018 Student Assessments May-June Implementation in all areas Progress monitoring Informal and formal observations Early release for weekly 75mins Professional development Professional learning communities Alignment of NGSS curriculum mapping Develop a math framework for 17/18 instruction Professional development on ELA and Math Implementation of Dreambox and RazKids+ with science Development of Continuous School improvement Plan (CSIP) Professional Development Aug/Sep 8/29 RULER and STEAM instruction practice 8/30 ELA collaborative classrooms 8/31 RazKids+, Fountass & Pinnell K-3 Phonics, 4-5 Word Origins, Dreambox 9/5 Curriculum mapping for Sep-Dec