Graduate School of Social Sciences Fieldwork
GSSS Fieldwork Subsidy Local supervisor fee Other grants/scholarships Vaccinations Travel advice Graduate School of Social Sciences
GSSS Fieldwork Subsidy Subsidy is guaranteed. Contribution to costs foreign travel and accomodation. Online application can be submitted after approval of research proposal (before departure) Graduate School of Social Sciences
Subsidy amounts Region Research Master Europe (excl. Netherlands) 450 Middle East / North Africa 520 USA / Canada / Central America / Central & East Africa 620 Southern Africa / South America / Asia 670 Australia / New Zealand 720 Graduate School of Social Sciences
Requirements Fieldwork abroad (not in the Netherlands) Fulltime registration at the UvA during fieldwork Approval fieldwork-> signed thesis agreement or email with start & end date fieldwork stated All courses 1st year completed Complete fieldwork succesfully Complete your thesis within nominal study period Valid health insurance Graduate School of Social Sciences
Application fieldwork subsidy Online only (student website -> A-Z-> Fieldwork) Required documents to be uploaded: Proof approval fieldwork: Thesis Agreement, signed by both supervisor and student or email from supervisor with approval, location and period fieldwork stated. Detailed budget (format available on the website) Filled out fieldwork subsidy claim form (on the website) Copy of passport or European ID card Graduate School of Social Sciences
Important Payment of subsidy takes six to nine weeks. We can only transfer the subsidy into bank account of the applicant All scans must be readable and smaller than 500KB. Your subsidy is paid to you as “vergoeding anders dan loon” (reimbursement other than income). The UvA may report this payment to the Belastingdienst [Dutch tax authorities] and may notify you of doing so. You are expected to file your GSSS subsidy as income on your annual tax return. Graduate School of Social Sciences
Example Budget Expenses Income Income International travel (Round-trip Amsterdam to Kenya) 582.60 Local Supervision Subsidy 300 Living expenses (Accommodation, Travel and Food) 2200 GSSS Fieldwork Subsidy (Eastern Africa-Kenya) 620 Health and Travel Insurance Student Loan 1800 Research costs (e.g. Transport, printing, 450 OV-Vergoeding 307 refreshment for participants, voice recorder) UNICEF Subsidy 1250 Local Supervisor Savings 238,60 Additional personal expenses & Incidentals 200 Subtotal 3832.60 Unforseen (10%) 380 Total Expenses 4415.60 Total Income 4365.60 Graduate School of Social Sciences
Local Supervisor Fee Role of the local supervisor: Discussing the research proposal with the student and aiding the student in adjusting it to the local reality; introducing the student to key informants; discussing interview outlines/ questionnaires with the student; Detailed letter for local supervisor available online Indicate local supervisor fee on the fieldwork subsidy application-> if not, contact international office ( Supervision fee: € 300 Student - Advance payment in the field Claim supervision fee (only after return fieldwork) Local Supervisor Form(to be signed by your local supervisor, indicating performed tasks and hours) Fieldwork Claim Form Forms can be downloaded from the student website (a-z fieldwork) Graduate School of Social Sciences
Other grants / scholarships Stichting Bekker La Bastide Fonds [website in Dutch]. Application deadline 2 months before departure. Fondsenboek Vereniging fondsen in Nederland (overview of all private funds in the Netherlands). This publication can be viewed at the UB (Singel 425) OV-vergoeding NGOs and commercial organisations. Graduate School of Social Sciences
Vaccinations GGD Amsterdam (Nieuwe Achtergracht 100), upon online or phone appointment Multiple locations upon appointment through Reisprik: ( Student Doctors (Oude Turfmarkt) Tropencentrum AMC (Amsterdam Medical Center) Tropencentrum VuMC (VU Medical Center) NB Appointment 5 to 6 weeks before departure Graduate School of Social Sciences
Insurance Make sure you have sufficient insurance coverage (medical, travel, liability) UvA has accident and travel insurance. If you wish to apply for these insurances, we recommend you do so at least 7 days before departure. More information on student website -> A-Z-> Insurance at and around. You can download the UvA travel insurance app Chubb Travel Smart for Apple or Android, called Chubb Travel Smart. Login details are: Polisnummer DL221283 (necessary for login) ACE/Chubb, Heinfeld Assuradeuren Only actual fieldwork period is covered, any holiday is not! AON Student Insurance: If necessary: Medical passport (check local regulations) College of Social Sciences
Travel advice For Dutch students check for travel advice (e.g. non-essential travel to certain areas in India) Non-Dutch students check the website of the ministry of Foreign Affairs of your home country Graduate School of Social Sciences
Research Master Conference Fund The RMCF intends to support Research Master students wishing to attend academic meetings or conferences as a valuable addition to their studies. €150 maximum, allocated on a first come – first served basis. Allocation is paid afterwards. More details and full procedure here: College of Social Sciences
Contact Details International Office E-mail: Tel: 020 525 8300 Open Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 10.00-12.00. Education Desk Social Sciences REC B.700 Graduate School of Social Sciences