Bobcat Bucks Fundraiser
What is Bobcat Bucks? No hassle fundraiser in which each family is asked to donate $20 per student. Do any apply to you? Tired of having to buy stuff you will not use? Tired of your coworkers going the other way in the hall when they see you carrying that catalog? Tired of buying your coworkers kid’s fundraisers because you ask them to buy yours? Tired of giving more than 60% of your money to a fundraising company instead of 100%* going to your student? *less transaction fees if donating with a credit card.
Bobcat Bucks Benefits? Braun Station Elementary receives 100%* of the proceeds and your student benefits directly! By spending money you save money because it is tax deductible! Anyone can give! It’s for a super cause – your student! *Less transaction fees if using a credit card
Where does my money go? On average the PTA spends $50 per student. Student Enrichment Community & Family Events Field Trips Educational Incentives End of Year Student Camps Faculty Enrichment Class Parties 2015-2016
Contest to drive campus involvement Campus-wide Annual goal - $12,000 Donation of $20/student No Spring Fundraiser!!! Happy Tails Exotic Animal Show for all students to see!
Contest to drive class involvement Class raises $800 or more Superhero party just for that class 10% of donated funds return to classroom Class raises $500 or more Extra recess 5% of donated funds return to classroom
Contest to drive family involvement Top 10 Contributing Families Get to paint balloon and silly string Mr. Funkhouser & Ms. Littlewood on Wagon Wheel Day! Individual Incentive Packages Donation Level Incentives Spin the prize wheel, WWD Tickets, WWD Fast Passes Paw for the Wall- even Gold, Silver and Bronze!
How can I donate? Donate Tonight!!! $20 or more tonight Send in a check/cash to PTA (via your child or front office) Donate online Scan QR Code and use your mobile device Forms will be sent home this week with details
Thank you for your support! Please help us Be excited Share the contest with all of your family and friends (near and far) Donate early and often Ends Friday, September 30th Attend Wagon Wheel Day Thank you for your support!